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Chapter 40: Slim

Every day for the next week, Gabe and I rehearsed from dawn until dusk.

We filled every minute of our days with dancing, stretching, and reworking choreography until it was past the point of perfection.

By the end of each day, both Gabe and I were so sore that we'd take turns alternating between hot showers and icing our sore muscles before collapsing into bed.

Not a second was spared to unnecessary thoughts or feelings.

Any moment I felt one of those creeping up, I pushed my body harder until my mind couldn't keep up, and the unwanted thoughts drained out of me through the sweat pouring down my body.

Friday night before the competition was the first night Gabe and I took off all week.

The competition was tomorrow, and we didn't want to chance hurting ourselves or straining a muscle the day before. So around 3pm, we called it a day, picked up some takeout, and headed back to my apartment for the night.

The only source of entertainment I had at my place were DVD's and basic cable. We'd just finished watching Jaws on T.V. when Gabe began clicking through the channels in search of our next movie.

"You really should just shell out for Netflix. It's not even that expensive."

"I know. I'm just trying to save up every penny I can right now. Plus, I don't need Netflix."

"Yeah, but I do. I need my daily dose of shitty reality T.V."

Gabe nudged my shoulder, and I chuckled lightly, snuggling into his chest on the couch. In silence, Gabe flipped through the T.V. Guide of shows and movies, growing disappointed in our lack of options. That was, until one particular movie title caught my eye.

"Stop," I blurted out, springing straight up.

"What? You wanna watch this?"

"Just put it on."

Gabe did, and my small T.V. screen filled to the edges with black, white, and shades of grey.

"Okay, this movie is old as fuck."

I shushed Gabe, enamoured in the movie and old-fashioned characters walking and talking on the screen. My heart pumped with each step they took and each line they delivered, overwhelmed so suddenly by this forgotten connection to Jordan.

"I couldn't see the whole title on the guide. What's this called?"

"Um, I think he said To Have and Have Not. Something like that."

"Who said?"

I paused, realizing my mistake. Lowering my eyes from the screen, I answered Gabe in shame.


Neither of us had brought up Jordan all week, even though I'd felt Gabe wanting to know every dirty detail of what happened plenty of times. Now his stare was pushing into the side of my face, but I remained still and stubborn, knowing if I cracked my lips to talk about Ethan, the only thing to come out would be sobs.

Enough time passed for Gabe to let it go, instead pulling me down with him as he laid back on the couch. Together, we watched this movie that was the only tie I had left to the man I loved.

Mist filled my eyes, leaking down my face in silent sorrow as I allowed myself this short, self-indulgent grief. It wasn't smart to watch this movie, but it also wasn't smart to want Jordan or kiss him or fall hopelessly in love with him either.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now