Chapter 8: How Much Embarrassment Does it Take to Kill Someone?

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The next morning, I stayed in bed way longer than was normal for me. It was the weekend which meant that both Jordan and Mel were home for the first part of the day. Mel would probably leave to do some work later on in the day, but as of a few minutes ago, I'd heard both of their soft mumblings as they walked around the house.

I couldn't go out there. I just couldn't.

Last night, I'd hit the jackpot of low moments. In an attempt to better myself and my new job skills, I'd instead found myself tipsy and turned on with the last person on Earth I should be.

Jordan touched me and then cursed me with his illicit words and unintentional sensuality. I was cursed with the knowledge that I'd been turned on by him last night, and that wasn't something I could forget. Sure, I could chock most of it up to the alcohol and the fact that I hadn't had sex in five months, but there was that undeniable notion of what was obvious from the moment I first saw him that night in the kitchen.

He was gorgeous, and if I met him in any other capacity, I'd be completely, one-hundred percent openly attracted to him.

That's a tricky thing to be aware of with your current almost brother-in-law.

It wasn't like there was any way he knew he'd accidentally turned me on, so the embarrassment was more personal than anything. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to look Jordan in the eyes again without wanting to crawl out of my skin and slink away.

The facts were that my body was not my own last night. It belonged to tequila, gin, and whatever other combination of alcohol conducted my inappropriate impulses of thought. Me—Amber—was not turned on by Jordan's sensual words and touch last night. My body—a complete stranger to myself when inebriated—was the culprit.

Maybe if I focused on that instead of the memories from last night that faded in between each scandalous thought, I could get through today.

One fact remained true to this very moment, though.

And that was that I was still painfully turned on.

Like Jordan and Mel, I also had the entire morning and early afternoon off, and there was no way I'd be able to get through all of today without dry humping the next viable man I saw if I didn't take care of that feeling ASAP.

Turning my gaze to my nightstand next to my bed, I reached out to the top drawer. Thank God I'd invested in a vibrator when Daniel and I were together or else I never would have orgasmed in the last five years thanks to his TDS.

Tiny Dick Syndrome.

Pulling up some videos on my phone, I needed only to watch the people on my screen for a couple minutes before feeling a familiar pressure tighten my lower stomach. I pushed my hand beneath the covers, a sigh pulling from my lips at finally getting some friction where I'd needed since last night.

My head tossed back into the pillow as sensations almost too powerful sparked between my legs, but I forced myself to keep my hand where it was no matter how intense the sensations became. My eyes fell closed without any forethought as I cut in pictures of myself where the female actors in the videos were. I pictured myself in those positions, my breathing turning heavier and audible as the ache at my core grew.

I imagined firm hands holding my waist down, his body covering mine as his mouth kissed lines across my chest, tweaking my nipples between his teeth. A mewl of a moan slipped from my lips as my fingers acted as I imagined his teeth would, pinching my sensitive nipples in his bite.

The sensations were building, topping nerves on top of nerves and gearing up for the release that I could feel was seconds away.

Nearly at the same time my orgasm began to crest, the pitch of the buzzing coming from beneath my covers lowered as did the level of growing pleasure. I pressed the vibrator harder against me, desperation shooting through my veins to reach that climax that I so badly needed now.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now