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Chapter 42: Force My Hand

The next morning, it was the heated hand that laid heavy across my hip that stirred me from my sleep.

Its presence was too warm to ignore and pulled my eyelids open. My brain woke up about as slowly as my vision cleared to see the room around me, and more notably, the man sleeping next to me.

Well, more accurately, sleeping beneath me.

For the most part, I was lying completely on top of Jordan. My leg was draped across both of his, my arm across his chest, and Jordan had pretty much bear-wrapped the rest of me in his burly arms so my entire front was sealed against him.

All of me that could be touching Jordan was, and for just a second in my early morning solitude, I appreciated the simplicity of the moment.

Just two lovers, entangled in each other as they wake from a night of love-making.

Anything past that didn't matter as I laid there on top of him, breathing my lungs full of his aroma, now touched with a faint scent of sweat from our night together. All that mattered was all I could take in in this stolen moment. How his chest rose and fell in such a melodic rhythm that it could have lulled me back to sleep if I let it. How smooth his bare chest felt beneath my fingers as I ran them up and down his sternum.

What I wouldn't give to lie here all day with him and forget the world around us for another few hours...

Unfortunately the dance competition was today, and I was sure Jordan had work to get to. Our blissful time in the moonlight was over with the rising of the sun and the bright light it cast on the sinful deeds we'd played out in the shadows the moonlight provided.

Slowly, I started to shift myself off of Jordan to go in search of my clothes. I'd barely made it an inch before the hand around my waist tightened.

"You tryin' to run out on me?"

Jordan's thick with sleep voice pulled my gaze to his face, finding his eyes closed but a spirited smile on his lips.

"I have to get ready to go," I replied, not bothering to mask the woe in my tone.

Jordan shook his head, a deep protest rumbling in his chest. Next thing, I was being rolled until my back was against the mattress, and Ethan's still naked body was on top of mine, trapping me between him and the bed.

His head dropped into the crook of my neck, breath tickling my skin. "I think you should stay in bed a couple hours longer."

Oh God.

The sensual promise in his voice plus the feel of his powerful body against mine awoke every erotic nerve inside of me. I let a moan go free without even thinking about it as Jordan caressed my neck in slow kisses, dragging his tongue along my skin in tantalizing circles.

He knew what he was doing too. That became especially apparent as he rocked his hips into mine, allowing me to feel the smooth length of him growing against my hipbone.

"Jordan," I tried to protest.

His only response was a nonchalant, "Yes?"

"Don't you have work to get to?"

"I already planned on calling in," he mumbled through a hot-blooded kiss along the hollow of my neck.

"But, but you—oh—"

The rest of my sentence got sucked down with a gasp as Jordan dipped his head down to my breasts, grabbing one in his mouth. I threw my head back into the pillow, arching myself to press my chest into his mouth, urging on his actions in a way that went totally against what my lips were saying.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now