𝘺𝘶𝘳𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘪

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The first time Yuri met him was in early 2019.

The group was on tour, but they met at the Coachella weekend after she performed with the other girls.

She was taught to be cautious so she met him away from unwanted cameras and attention.

She previously met Kendall Jenner, they were not the biggest of friends, but they got along at some point, just enjoying each other's presence when Yuri would meet Kylie and her sister Kendall would be around too.

Kylie was a totally different story.

She actually liked her, maybe to the point she almost thought Kylie could be her type.

But nothing of that happened.

When meeting Kendall at Coachella again, Yuri was happy to greet her, and she wasn't surprised when she saw him with Kendall.

Yuri knew about him already.

Their friendship was all over the media.

Kendall and Fai, such a great duo when it came to the Kardashian's.

Fai was...

Well, he was many things.

He had a sweet talk, he spoke slowly and calmly, making the people aorund him feel safe in his presence.

He showered Yuri with compliments, especially about her aura while performing, saying he enjoyed her performance the most that night.

For short, Fai was a gentleman.

But nothing big happened when they first met.

Of course she kept looking his way from time to time throughtout the night, sometimes he would catch her eyes on him and would wink to her.

They didn't meet again for a few weeks, when Jennie proposed the girls to attend a party of some celebrity.

None of them wanted to go, but Yuri agreed, wanting to spend more time with her long term crush.

She wondered what made Jennie look so good in her eyes.

But then again, she wondered what made other women look good in her eyes too, because Jennie was not a special case, Yuri was attracted to other women, and she accepted this a long time ago.

The party was huge, a big mess of the most random celebrities in the country and foreigners.

Yuri was actually awkward at first, standing close to Jennie as she barely knew anyone.

That until the Jenner sisters arrived, and of course, where Kendall goes, Fai follows.

But Yuri was happy nonethless to see Fai too since he seemed a nice guy.

Yuri was finally at peace after a few hours spent talking with Kylie and meeting new people.

But Kylie had to leave early, saying her daughter needed her at home and she was tired too after a long day at work. She left saying Yuri would be in good company with Kendall and Fai.

Jennie was also somewhere around the villa, but Yuri definitely not going to walk all around the place and look for her, Jennie would call her once she would feel like leaving.

Sitting on a stool at the bar, she was surprised when Fai sat next to her, ordering the same drink she was having.

Yuri was not dumb, she talked with the other girls a lot, about many things. And Jennie always told her to remember that America and Korea were completely different.

What she previously had with Taehyung, their on-and-off, would never be accepted in a place like South Korea, but in America, no one would really care.

But Taehyung was not on Yuri's mind while she was talking with Fai. Nor was Eunwoo, her own boyfriend, on her mind when she leaned closer and the first between her and Fai was shared. Nor would she expect a heartbreak, as big as Hyunsuk's, would come around again when she would get with Jaemin a year later - this was far from her mind while she was sitting of Fai's lap and her clothes were being ripped away from her body.

The morning after the party, Yuri was feeling dull. Many things were on her mind but at the same time she couldn't figure any of them out.

First thing, she called Jennie, saying she made a mistake, again, and saying she was sorry for not texting her sooner.

Second thing, she thought about Eunwoo, her supposed boyfriend, who was waiting for her in Seoul. Their relationship was kinda open, none of them had really deep feelings and probably both of them knew they wouldn't last for a long time, but Yuri still felt bad for basically cheating.

Fai was a gentleman even after he woke up.

Saying he would take Yuri back to the hotel BLACKPINK was staying for the time, and stopping on the way to grab breakfast for her. Even giving his number, saying they should hang out sometimes. And Yuri knew, he really meant hangout because Kylie sometimes mention Fai and how he never pushed his borders.

And they kept meeting for as long as BLACKPINK would tour in North America; of course things between them didn't stop at a mare hang out, and soon this made their friends-with-benefits situationship become a habit.

At the time, Yuri would never admit it, but she probably needed a distraction from her feelings, that were getting out of hand, for Jennie.

Fai would keep her mind away from one of her bandmates.

And Yuri couldn't understand at first why Fai low-key reminded her of Taehyung.

Maybe because she was living in a deja vu.

Fai would keep her mind away from one of her bandmates, the same way Taehyung did when she broke Hyunsuk's heart.

The same way Yoongi almost did before Taehyung.

But these thoughts were never really clear in her mind at the time, that's why she never realized when she spent her nights with Fai, and this is why she never put a real end to her situationship with him before leaving, because she didn't felt the need as she thought there was nothing too serious between them

Throught the following months, Yuri and Fai kept in touch, calling each other from time to time: Fai would show her his new designs as part of his job as an architect and Yuri would sometimes share a few seconds of some of the latest songs she recorded.

Meeting him again in 2021, a lot of things changed. And she made sure he knew where she stood, with a stable relationship and a baby on the way.

Fai was happy, saying he didn't mind being her friend if she still wanted and they could still hang out sometimes if she wanted, adding he would like for Yuri to meet his current girlfriend if she wanted.

What Yuri was not sure about was if Taehyung would get mad or not once he would knew about it.

There was no reason for him to get mad as Fai came into her life at a time Taehyung barely had time to talk to her as he was busy with his own group, but she was sure he wouldn't approve of her friendship with Fai, probably getting all over the place, being jealous of him, just like he was with Jaemin and Eunwoo.




Really, this is all. There's nothing else, so please don't ask if there's something more about them. This was not even in my original plot actually but nvm.

Eventual typos will be later corrected, hope you enjoyed the update!

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