Chapter 14: Gszmp blf (:

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Wilbur goes into his own room with a bright smile on his face, sitting on the ground against his bed and looking up at his ceiling. Fuck, the euphoria you give him. Even the faintest smile coming from you can make his heart beat faster. And he has no idea how you do it either. You're just so fascinating. Such an amazing person.

As he closes his eyes and smiles to himself, he gives himself a soft hug and lets out a long sigh from pure happiness. Just thinking about you makes his stomach feel all weird. He used to think that what he had with Sally was love, but this one night was enough to make him realize that he hadn't even touched the surface of these feelings with that woman.

Unfortunately, his fantasies quickly get interrupted when he hears a knock on the door and sees the door opening. It can't be Tommy; he already told his younger brother how much he enjoyed the date. And, unsurprisingly, he's right. It isn't Tommy. It's Dream.

"You stayed away longer than you should have," the android simply states, and Wilbur groans.

"I just needed to clear my mind. Before you ask, no, Y/N was not there with me. I don't even think they know that I smoke."

"You're lying." Those simple words don't startle Wilbur. He was invincible, all because of you.

"So what if I am? I gave you what you wanted. You went on the date. What happened after that, was none of your business." Dream takes a few steps forward and tilts his head at Wilbur, who's now standing up.

"I'd like to disagree. Did you forget-"

"No, Dream. I didn't forget that 'I would have never gotten to know Y/N without you' or whatever. But what you keep forgetting is that they obviously hate you. Next time if you want to spend time with them, you can take care of it yourself. Maybe you should just ask them out on a date too, huh?" With a grin on his face, he gives Dream the small insect that watched them during the date. "Here. I think that I won't be needing it anymore." Dream holds it in his hand for a moment, staring down without saying a word. Wilbur chuckles, but Dream's next question throws him off.

"Did you enjoy it?"

When Wilbur looks at his creation, he isn't sure what he's supposed to think. Is this a question out of genuine curiosity or does he have ulterior motives? It's hard to say, but Wilbur doesn't see what kind of a harm Dream could bring him. So, he decides to speak the truth. While also trying to provoke him, of course.

"It was amazing. You should have been there. You know, actually participating instead of watching from afar." Dream doesn't say a word. He just stares. Just like always.

"Well, maybe I will be there next time."

"Cute," Wilbur mumbled under his breath, not being able to even imagine that scenario. He chuckles. "Just keep in mind that next time you see them, you don't tell them about my feelings, okay?" If Dream was able to freeze, would he have frozen now? Wilbur honestly can't tell. Robots aren't easy being to read, no matter how human they act sometime. No matter how human they seem to be.

As you open the door to your house, you're quickly enough greeted by your hungry cat. Sherlock meows and head-butts your legs. Shit. You forgot to feed him, didn't you? Softly, you chuckle, feeling a little bit of happiness being welcomed into your tiny heart. Hopefully, it would stay there, and not be chased away, like the happiness you felt at the platonic date.

You walk inside and give Sherlock his food, before going upstairs to your room and throwing yourself on your bed. Why do you feel so awful? It can't have been that conversation with Wilbur that drained the life out of you, right? The date was so fun, yet you feel none of that at the moment. You know you enjoyed it. You know that you liked it there. Yet, it's impossible for you to genuinely smile while going over the positive memories you gained of it.

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