Chapter 48: So Am I

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Tommy watches as you shove a dagger right into his heart, a mix of fury and satisfaction on your face as your feet leave the roof. For a moment, it feels as if everything slows down. From your tired eyes making eye contact with him right before falling down, to the people surrounding him screaming your name. Wilbur runs forward, probably hoping to catch you, but it's too late. Technoblade does the same, but he too is not in time. Tommy's heart now feels more hollow than ever, but he understands. He understands that this probably felt like the only solution. You were obviously panicking and he would be too. And he is right now. But it is still different.

While Wilbur and Technoblade get into a fight, screaming at each other and putting blame on everyone but themselves, Tubbo and Tommy watch as everyone gets hostile, besides Sam and Quackity. Sam watches quietly, probably thinking to himself without anyone bothering him, while Quackity seems to be waiting for something.

And well, Tommy understands what it is once he sees a helicopter come closer to their roof, which already tells him enough.

The sounds are loud enough to catch everyone's attention, and they're so close now, that the wind almost blows them off the roof. Technoblade and Wilbur quit their fighting when the door of the helicopter opens after it's probably landed, revealing Schlatt and Connor. Schlatt has his usual smirk while Connor simply looks around, probably surprised by the number of people present.

"Look at who we have here," Schlatt says with a low chuckle as his eyes go from Wilbur to Dream to Techno. "It seems like I'm still in charge here, don't you agree?" Dream wants to say something, but Schlatt interrupts him. "Wilbur and Dream, you are hereby arrested for the murder on Jared, anything you say might and will be used against you, blah, blah, blah."

"Are you seriously here to arrest them?!" Niki squeaks, probably only now properly processing the apparent suicide of her crush. "Y/N just died!"

"No, they didn't," Schlatt responds right away, nothing in his facial expression giving away whether or not he's speaking the truth.

"Yes, they did. They just threw themselves off the building!"

"They didn't die."

"Are you seriously trying to gaslight me into thinking they're still alive?!" Niki shouts, probably too shocked to stay calm after an event such as this one. Schlatt rolls his eyes at the woman, as he turns to Connor.

"Prepare the car," he simply states and Connor looks surprisedly at him. When Schlatt repeats his order, this time with more aggression, Connor seems to understand what's going on, even if Tommy doesn't yet. Nor does anybody. "Listen, everybody, I don't know who the fuck came up with the idea to do it on this building, but you're all free to go, other than the three murderers that I want to talk to." He then turns to Sam. "How's the prison going, Sam? Do you think it can keep in high-level criminals like these?" Sam scratches the back of his neck.

"Definitely Technoblade and Wilbur, but I never expected that an A.I. such as Dream would have to join too."

"Then I suppose you should keep working on a cell for Dream specifically, don't you agree?"

"But, Schlatt," Sam starts, but Schlatt doesn't let him finish.

"I don't care how you do it, Sam. Just do it." Before Sam can say anything else, Schlatt turns to Quackity. "Thank you for calling me, Flatty Patty. You did the right thing." For once, the nickname doesn't sound derogatory. After he tells Quackity this, he turns to the others. "Don't be concerned about Y/N, people. I'm sure that they are doing perfectly fine, if you don't count their mental health, sickness or missing arm. But don't expect to ever see them again."

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