Chapter 16: Blf'iv ufoo lu hfikirhvh ^^

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T/W:Mention of suicide

As Tommy is rambling on about all the nice things that Dream did for him today – something which both of you are surprised by, even though you're the reason he's not being a dick to the teenager – you're simply laughing with him. The two of you are sitting under the L'Mantree. After you let out a satisfied smile, you look over at Tommy. When he's done, you decide to ask him the question that's been haunting your mind ever since he first mentioned it. "You said something about a festival, right? Or a party or whatever? I wondered if there's more that you have to tell me about it?"

"Of course!" he exclaims, looking at you with bright eyes. "It's not all that important, really, but I want you to come nevertheless. Basically, it's this moment where some companies are invited and talk business, blah, blah, blah. It's usually fucking boring, and I hope that you being there could make it a bit less uneventful, you know?"

"So, who else is coming?"

"I don't fucking know. I'm pretty sure some bitches from Pandora's Security Service are coming, along with those guys from BadTech, with their stupid BadPhones. Other than them, I have no fucking idea. Wilbur is going to try and invite Dad, though. Oh, and the leaders! Herobrine, Steve, all of them!"

"And you want me to come as well?" you ask, laughing a bit at the idea of being there between all of those people. It sounds ridiculous.

"Yes, of course! Come on, Y/N, you have to!"

You let out a sigh and chuckle slightly. "Okay then." The two of you continue talking. Cheerfully, Tommy tells you all about the best things that happened at festivities like those, most of them being about how Schlatt did weird things while he was drunk, yet nobody dared to say a word about it. "I've already met Johnny Schlatt once here, he does seem to be a weird person."

"Johnny Schlatt? Is that his first name?!" Tommy squeaks and you just laugh.

"I don't fucking know, I'm coming up with random names starting with the letter J. Johnathan, Jay, James, Jared. Imagine Schlatt's name being Jared. If that's the case, I'm going to put laxative in his coffee because that is just hilarious."

"You should put it in his alcohol. I don't think he drinks coffee."

"Good that you remind me." A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, and you let out a sigh. Relief. The way that you and Tommy can just sit here, in a simulation of a place that's always the same, it's so relaxing. That's until Tommy continues.

"Schlatt almost killed Tubbo once." As soon as you hear those words, you feel yourself freezing. Tommy's eyes are somewhat hazy. He's somewhere else with his mind, you suppose. You allow him to continue speaking, while you're closely listening to his words. "It was at the last festival. Schlatt was extremely fucking drunk and Quackity, Karl and Sapnap, who were also invited due to Sapnap working at DeMeter back then, had brought fireworks with them to shoot off at midnight. The festival was in Eret's gardens back then, since they had taken it upon themselves to organize the festival, in an attempt to, you know, make amends, I guess? Anyway, I remember very vividly what happened. Tubbo was first just helping Quackity with the festival, you know. But Schlatt came along and started arguing with him. I have no idea what about, but I remember wanting to intervene and Wilbur stopping me, promising me that it was nothing and that nothing was going to happen to Tubbo, which I guess I was mostly anxious about." Tommy lets out a sigh and his voice is shaking a little. You want to put your hand on his back reassuringly, but at the same time, you feel like it wouldn't help yet. So, you just faintly smile as you watch him continuing his story. "And then- And then he grabbed one of the fireworks." He starts stuttering. "I'm pretty sure that Quackity was even laughing at first, but Schlatt lit the fireworks, right in his face."

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