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I've always hated moving. My mom moves every single year and it annoys me to death. That year we were moving to Las Vegas and she promised it's our last time moving but that's not a new phrase.

"AVA!" I heard her yell from downstairs. "YES?" I yelled back. Of course she didn't answer. I groaned and went downstairs.

"Did you pack your things?" she asked. "Yep. I'm almost ready." I answered. She nodded and I got upstairs so I can finish packing.

Once done, I told my mom, who was already putting the suitcases in the car. I took my headphones and sat on the passenger seat, next to my mom. "Ready?" she asked. I just nodded, trying not to seem too annoyed.

The drive was boring. I listened to music the whole time and at some point I just fell asleep. When I woke up we were already in Vegas. Everything looked so.. Sad. There was sand all over the place, and the burning sun made me feel tired. I groaned and closed my eyes. It was annoyingly hot outside.

"Momm. How much is this gonna take?" I asked. "Not much. We're pretty close." she answered.


After what felt like years, we were finally there. The house looked... Well it wasn't a beautiful house for sure but it also wasn't the worst.

To my surprise, the inside was actually nice. The walls were white and there were lots of plants inside. The kitchen looked fine and there were two bathrooms. One downstairs and one upstairs. I choosed the room next to the bathroom and started to unpack my things. It was a quite nice room actually.

Even tho I sleept the whole drive, I still felt tired. Besides that, I was also truly hungry.

"Mom, do we have something to eat?" I asked my mom who was in the kitchen. "No honey, but you can go to the store and buy something." I sighed and decided it was probably the best ideea.

It was around 4 pm and I was hoping that the sun wasn't going to turn me into an omlette.

The thing was that I had to go all the way to the store by walking. I didn't have a drivers license because for my 18th birthday I chose buying clothes over a car. Best ideea of my entire life.

I walked a few miles and I already felt exausthed. Maybe I sould've taken my skateboard.. My legs were already tired and the killing sun wasn't helping.

When I finally arrived at the store, I already felt like passing out. Entering the building, I let out of sigh of pleasure when the cool air hit my body. Jusus, thanks for this. Walking trough the market, I looked for a few snacks. I took 2 bags of chips, milk, eggs, peppers and cheese. Maybe I'll cook some pasta later.. When I went to look for pasta, I noticed this beautiful woman right next to it. She had long, blonde hair and she was dressed with a top and some jeans that were hugging well her curves. I must've been staring a lot because she suddently turned her eyes in my direction and held eye contact with me for a few seconds. I felt my cheeks starting to burn, and I looked at the groceries on the shelf, trying to hide my red face. I felt her stare burning holes into my face but tried my best to ignore her. After she finally picked some pasta, she walked away and I took the pasta too. Oh lord. She's hot.

After I finshed with the groceries, I went to the cashier and payed. Walking out of the store, the sun started again to burn my skin. Here we go again..

So, I walked for like two miles and that's when I felt how the bags full of aliments and stuff broke, leaving me with nothing but their handles in my hands. "Goddamnit! Shitty, cheap groceries bags" I mumbled annoyed. I quickly took my phone from my pockets to call my mom, but to make that day even luckier, there was no signal. I groaned in annoyance. I tought about just carring the stuff in my arms but there were too many. I didn't know what to do so I just started praying. "Jesuss!! Remember when I said that I don't like you when I broke my arm in 5th grade? I take that back.. Even tho I'm still a little upset about that. I just get over it. Soo.. Y'know.. I won't mind a little help with this situation I've got here so you can maybe do something? I don't know.. I mean could you somehow give me at least a line of signal or whatever.. I'll take any offer."

Suddently, I heard a car honking. I couldn't see the person in it quite well because the sun was reflexing into the window, blinding me. Opening the window, I heard the voice of a unknown woman "Need a ride?" Thank you, Jesus. I owe you one. I nodded quickly, praying the woman won't kidnap me. When she opened the trunk of the car, I put the groceries in it as fast as possible and entered into the passenger seat, next to the woman. When I sat down, I turned my head to the side and my eyes went wide when I saw the woman I met earlier at the store in the driver's seat.

We drove into an uncomfortable silence. At least for me.. The woman seemed careless. I tried not to stare at her but it was impossible. She looked stunning. Her blonde hair was over her sholders and the top she wore showed a little clevage. When I turned my eyes back to her face, I noticed her slightly smirking. Without saying anything, I decided not to be a creep and turned my face back to the road.

"So where do you live?" she asked. After I told her my adress, it didn't take her long to get to my house. Before I got out of the car, I said "Um.. T-thank you for helping me" I mentally slapped myself. The stuttering was embarresing. The woman just hummed in response and opened the truck. "Can you pleease wait here a little? I need to get a few bags from the house." she looked at me and nodded.

I ran into the house. Seeing me, my mom asked "What are you searching for?" "I need some bags. The ones from the store broke on my way here and a woman gave me a ride." My mom handed me some bags and I ran back outside to the woman's car. After a few seconds I heard my mom gasp. "Xandra!" what- who- "Oh Lord. What are you doing in here?" The blonde woman, got out of the car running to my mom "Mellissa! It's so good to see you! We haven't meet in years!" she said with the same tone of excitement as my mother's.

"Uh mom? What's going on?" I intrerrupted them. "Ava, this is my friend, Xandra! She actually met you before when you were little. She helped me taking care of you sometimes." my mother said. "Oh.. Um.. N-nice to meet you." I said, stretching out my hand towards her. She shook it softly and nodded. Akward.

"Melli, why don't you come tomorow for dinner? We have so much to catch up! You can bring Ava too." Xandra said looking into my eyes for a second. "Indeed! It would be nice." my mother said nodding. "Yeah. Well, I must go now. Larry is waiting for me at home."

After saying their goodbiess, Xandra left and my mother and I went inside. "Who's Lary?" I asked my mother. "He's her boyfriend. Why're you asking?" "Oh.. Just curious." I said..


Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter. It means a lot to me. ❤️

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