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It was my last day staying with Xandra since my mom was coming back the next day. Because Xandra was working and I didn't want to spend my time alone with Larry, I decided to go to Boris's.

Thankfuly, his father wasn't home for a few weeks so he was alone. "Let's throw a party." I said out of blue. Boris looked confused at me. "Come on.. I'm bored." After a while of me begging and begging Boris gave up, knowing he has no other option. I smiled as I called Anna and told her to invite as many people she can for the party. The redhead seemed excited too.

Me and Boris decorated the place a little and put on some music. When Anna arrived she wasn't alone. Behind her, there were a bunch on teenagers and adults. "Anna! Long time no see." I said as I made my way towards her and pulled the redhead into a hug. As we pulled away, someone must've turned up the volume because I felt how my organs started to vibrate inside of me. Anna and I giggled at the same time and went to the kitchen to take some drinks.

Everything was fine. People were having fun, drinking, making out.. I felt like I was in high school again. Me and Anna joined the rest of the people on the dance floor. We partied for hours and no one left the house. They were having too much fun.

As my legs started to hurt, I went outside and sat on a bench. Taking out a cigarette, I lit it and inhaled the smoke. I let out a sigh, feeling more relaxed. My mind started to fill with thoughts about the future. I had no idea what was next. Everyone I knew seemed to know what they wanted and it made me feel stressed out. I was thinking about a job.. Just for a while, until I figure out what I want. One thing I loved about my mom was that she always told me that she doesn't care what I'm going to become on the future as long as I'm happy.

Suddently, a car pulled on the street, interupting my thoughts. I watched as a really angry man got out of the car. Oh shoot! I knew that man very well. It was Boris's dad. I threw my cigarette away and went quickly inside to warn Boris. As I turned down the music, the people's muttering stopped. "Everyone get out now through the back door!" I yelled. I could her whines of dissapointment through the room. Anna helped me to guide everyone out. "What's going on?" Boris asked me. Anna nodded, looking at me with curiosity in her eyes. "Your dad is back!" I yelled. "What- But he's supposed to come back next week." he said. "I literally saw him. And he didn't seem very happy."

As I heard the front door open I started to push everyone out, apologizing in case I hurt someone. I pulled Anna into a closed and we hid there until Boris opened the door for us. Apparently his dad was upstairs for a shower. "I'm so sorry." I apologized to Boris. He could've gotten in trouble because of me. "It's fine.. Now go home until my dad gets back here." he said waving me and Anna off. We smiled as we got out. Letting out a sigh of relief, Anna and I headed to Xandra's.

Opening the front door I noticed some new shoes. It was weird because I've never seen them before. I shrugged it off, thinking Xandra bought herself a new pair of shoes. I led the redhead to my room but halfway the stairs I heard the moans of a woman. I found that suspicious, knowing I heard very well how Xandra told Larry this morning that she won't be back until midnight. I looked behind me at Anna. She seemed to be as confused as I was. "Xandra said she will be back at midnight.." I whispered. The redhead squeezed her eyes as she motioned me to walk towards Larry's bedroom. Slightly opening the door I saw a brunette on top of Larry. I gasped as I quickly walked to my bedroom, wide eyed. "What happened? Was it Xandra?" Anna asked. "No.. It was another woman. She was a brunette." Anna's eyes went wide. I knew Larry was cheating on Xandra, yet I still found the things I saw shocking for no reason. "Oh God! What do we do?" Anna panicked. "Chill down, woman. Just wait 'till they're gone." Anna nodded and sat next to me on the bed. Even though I acted like I knew what to do, deep down I was just as scared as Anna was.

It was near midnight when the redhead told me she had to go. I led her outside and we said our goodbyes. I grabbed myself a glass of water and took a sip of it. Not long after, Xandra entered on the front door. I froze. Should I tell her? Her eyes met mine. "Why do you look so strained?" she asked as she took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. After she inhaled the smoke, she let it out and I felt my knees going weak. My face was burning. "N-nothing. I'm going upstairs." was the last thing I said that night.

I have to tell Xandra. I thought to myself before falling asleep.

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