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My heart was beating faster than ever and I did nothing but just stay there like an iceberg, looking at my dad who just happened to knock at our door and interrupt our perfect dinner..

What am I supposed to do now? Should I go hug him? Should I tell him how much I missed him? But I did I miss him? No.. I didn't miss him at all. I thought.

Boris and Anna left soon, leaving me, my mother and father alone. "Ava.." he sighed as he came to pull me into an embrace. I took a few steps back "Don't. Don't act like we're a perfect family. You are a monster. After everything you did to us you've decided to come back now?!" I was boiling. My vision was blurry from all the tears. "I'm sorry-" he apologized. "Oh, spare me."

"Ava.." my mom interrupted me. "He's your father.." she added. I looked at her in disbelief "Is he? Is he really my father?! Because real fathers shouldn't abuse their child and their wife. Real fathers shouldn't leave their family and come back years after, like nothing happened."

"Ava.. I'm sorry for everything I've done! I know it's been hard for you.. But I promise, I- I'm not like that anymore. I haven't drunk for years and I want to treat you and your mom better. I want to make it up to you for all these years I wasn't here." he said looking at me. I looked at my mom. She was looking at my dad with tears into her eyes.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked me. "I- I need to think." I said before I went outside for a run. The sky was already dark and the moon was lighting the streets. I started to run. The anger and the sadness made me feel like I was exploding. I started to run even faster as the tears were streaming all over my face. My nose was burning from the cold night air.

After an hour, I stopped in front of a bridge. I could see the moon's reflexion into the small river. And the sound of the water flowing made me feel relaxed. I let out a sigh and sat down, admiring the river. My body was shaking but it didn't matter.

Why did he decide to come back after all these years? Did he mean it when he said he's sorry? Maybe he was.. Maybe he's actually back for us. What if he's really changed? We could finally be a happy family.. Just- just the three of us.

I got up and started to walk back home. I was happy. My dad's finally here.. For us. My steps were getting faster and faster. I was soon in front of our house.

"Dad?" I called him as I entered the house. I was so happy to finally have my dad into my life. "Dad!" I yelled once again, but no one answered. I went into the living room. My mom was sat on the couch and I heard sobbing. I went and sat next to her. "Mom? What happened? Where- where's dad?" I asked. My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry.." her voice was shaky. I pulled her into a hug. "It's okay.." I sighed. "I couldn't forgive him in again.. I tried to but I couldn't." she said between sobs. "And.. I understand if you want to spend time with him." mom added. "No.." I whispered. "I have you and that's all I need." I told her.


My mom and I were having breakfast together. She was excited for my graduation today. I felt nervous and excited. I was finally going to stop stressing about my assignments.

"Are you ready?" Anna asked excitingly as she entered on the front door. "Yes!" I answered with the same excitement as hers. We got into her car and she started to drive towards the school. There, everyone was talking and I could feel all the happiness and anxiety from my classmates. I felt like going home already.

My whole life I thought that graduation day would be the most amazing day in my life. Getting rid of school would be amazing. It was indeed amazing yet.. Something was missing.

I took a look around and saw parents being happy and proud with their child. Mothers and fathers kissing their kids and telling them they're proud. Suddently, I saw a hand waving towards me. I smiled as I waved back towards my mom. I was glad she was there. I didn't need my dad, she was enough.

The voices slowly faded away as our principal started his boring speech that I didn't even bother to concentrate on. I was so excited to leave that place for good. I was brought back to my thoughts as the first student was called on the stage. The tall nervous boy looked so small under everyone's eyes. He took his dimploma and another student was called.

I clapped my hands as I watched Anna stepping on that stage and taking her diploma. She looked scared but happy. Next, it was me. "Ava Roman" the low voice of our old principal called my name. I gulped. I thought it would be easier, but standing on that stage, with all those strangers watching and staring at me, I felt.. Small. Just like that tall boy from the beginning. I slowly made my way to take my diploma and then waited for the photo to be taken. I put on a smile but as I looked into the crowd, something got my attention. Better said someone. Someone that I tried to avoid even though I knew I craved to see them. I craved to hear their smooth, calming voice.. Xandra was sitting there, next to my mother, looking efortlessly beautiful with a look of admiration into her eyes. She was staring right into my eyes and the time seemed to stop.

As I got down from the stage I realized that Anna didn't deserve me. She deserved someone much better.. "Ava! We did it!" the redhead exclaimed happily as she jumped into my arms. I smiled widely. How can I destroy her happiness like that.. Just with a few words. The thought made my smile dissapear. I didn't want to break Anna's heart. I didn't want to lose her. But I knew that if I lied to her and, most importantly to me, it would break Anna even more. So I had to do it. I had to break up with her before it was too late.

"Wanna hang out at my place after this?" she asked me innocently. "Uh.. Well my mom wants to celebrate. Sorry.." I answered. "Oh, that's okay. See you tomorow then?"

"Sure." I said before making my way towards my mom. She gave me a thight hug after kissing my forehead. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie" she said. I could tell she cried. It made me feel like.. I finally had peace. Making my mom finally proud brought me peace. At least.. that's what I thought so..


I'm so sorry for not updating that much. I'm trying my best! :')

Thanks for reading ❤️

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