Free de la Hoya x Reader

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It had been a couple of weeks since you joined BC Sol, and during your time there you made a new friend; the world's best blader, Free De La Hoya. but you didn't know how to tell him that. You were battling against Valt.

"Go Valtryek! Ruch Launch" Valt yelled, as he was in an intense face-off against me.

"That won't work Valt! Go, Poison Serpent, Tail Crush!" I yelled to Serpent.

"Oh come on, I was so close!" Valt said Falling backwards, onto the wooden floor as his bey burst.

"Hey, I told you it wouldn't work ne-" You were cut of by Chris.

"Okay everyone, amazing battles today! We'll continue tomorrow!" She said motioning us to go back to our rooms.

"Do I have to?" You whined, complaining.

~~~Time skip~~~

Narrators POV

It was 12:35 A.M. and Y/n was still awake

y/n POV

"Ugh, I'm gonna talk a walk" you said as you put on a thin coat and shoes.

You sneaked out successfully, and ran into the woods, but you had no idea HE was there training.

You stood behind a tree and watched as he trained

"Who's there" he said getting up

You came out from behind the tree

"Oh, it's just you Y/n, what are you doing out in the woods this early?"

"Uh, N-Nothing." you said blushing.

Without a sound he came closer to you just as you were about to leave and grabbed onto your hand tightly "Please, y/n stay with me."

"Okay, if it won't be a bother to you." you turned around and looked at him eye to eye.

He pulled you closer to him and kissed you, firmly with passion and feeling. Turning your face redder than ever. You deepened the kiss, and broke apart for some air, sometimes you just wished you didn't need it.

You two walked to a nearby tree and sat down.

"Free wh--" I shushed you and said

"Listen, Y/n ever since you joined and we went against each other, I had developed feelings for you, I don't care if you feel the same about me but-but I love you."

"Free- I love you too, I would never leave you for anything in the whole world!" you said resting your head on his, calmly talking about things, but you didn't care what the 2 of you were talking about you were just glad that you could finally be with the Man of your dreams, under the forest moon.

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