Hikaru Hizashi x reader

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In this you're Wakiya's sister cuz yea... ENJOY!!!!!!!

"Ugh- do I have to?" You complained to Wakiya, who was telling you to get up and join the comets

"Yes, Y/n I want you to join the league so get up, and hurry!" He said pulling your blanket of, while you whined

"Fine, but I don't wanna walk." You said as you got up and walked out of the room

"Okay, I'll drive you" he said, "Happy" Than he rolled his eyes, but you knew he was actually glad because he gets to show of his freaking new limbo!

~~Time Skip~~

After the 10 minute drive you finally arrive at the comet's HQ (or whatever they call it) You walk in behind Wakiya (cuz ur shy, sorry if ur not).

"Wakiya!" you saw 2 boys one with a blue, spiky Mohawk, and one with red spiky pineapple like hair, than out of nowhere you get a headache and blackout.

"Y/n! Y/n!" You heard people calling out your name and you shot up.

"What-what happened ?" you said as you looked at Wakiya, still remembering Lain, your childhood frenemy.

"Y-You fainted, and Hikaru ran and caught you just in time, are you okay?" He asked with a worried expression on his face. You bushed , and looked at Hikaru then quickly looked at Wakiya, just in time to see him grinning for a split second.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You said "thanks" under your breath loud enough to make Hikaru hear you. He blushed. Wakiya then quickly took in charge.

"Okay, come on people, let's get back to work, my sister is fine, plus if she wasn't how would she be able to join you guys?" Wakiya said, rushing everyone to get in his limbo, leaving you wondering where you guys were all going.


It was you and Hikaru V.S. Valt and Aiger. You looked around the stadium, trying to spot your brother. but instead you say Lain, glaring down at you knowing that you would lose, he walked away.

After the battle you and Hikaru had won (because I suck at writing them so yea) with a ring out finish. You ran out of the Stadium and went to the garden behind the big building, but little did you know, Hikaru was following behind.

~~Hikaru POV~~

"Y/n is just so amazing when she battles, but something was off today, I should go check up on her, because something just doesn't feel right." I thought while I was following Y/n.

"Y-Y/n, are you okay?" I asked asking the (h/c) girl.

"Yeah, why?" she said between soft sniffles which were just loud enough for me to hear.

"Because, I think I know why you fainted the first day we met, and in the start of today's battle you were a little of----- D-Did you faint because of Hyuga?" I asked taking a break, so I could walk over it sit next to her.

"Kinda, but ho-how did you know?" she asked looking surprised.

"Because you fainted as soon as you saw him, is something wrong?" he said hugging you with one arm.

"You see 5-6 years ago, a guy named Lain, who's in this beyblade tournament, and he used to bully me, about how I was a girl, and how I beybladed, random junk like that. It got me down, so I told my brother and we moved here, but I guess that he just never left me alone." she explained everything in her soft, and gentle voice, with tears cascading down her cheek.


"Y/n why didn't you tell me? From now on, I will always protect you from anything Lain might say to you. and that's a promise." He said to me still hugging me with one arm, but then he did something unexpected, with his other arm, he put his hand under your chin and made so that you were facing him directly, and gently kissed you. Your eyes widened but you passionately returned the kiss, before departing for something called oxygen (don't you just hate it when that happens?)

"I love you Y/n" he whispered in your ear hugging you .

"I love you too Hikaru, always had, always will" You whispered back to him watching as the sun set in front of you two leaving a beautiful scene.

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