It was the blue-haired kid! (Delta x reader)

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A clink resounded.

"Another loss, huh" Said Harold.

"P-please," I begged, "I'll try harder! I promise!"

He scoffed and walked over to Glorious Hera, raising his foot above it.

"No, (y/n). You've had enough chances."

"Harold, no!"

His foot came down on my bey, and, just when he should of crushed it a voice said, "Didn't you hear her? She said stop!"

"Who said that?" Harold growled. I looked over to my right and there was a boy with blue hair covering one eye and a red jacket over a black shirt. His skin was unnaturally pale, yet it seemed as if he'd stepped out of the shadows.

"Who said that?! Show yourself, coward!"

"I-It was the blue-haired kid!"

He stepped out from behind the building and revealed himself. Approaching Harold bodly, he pushed him away from my bey and held out his hand to help me up. I took it. He pulled me up and held a protective arm in front of me.

"Why are you bothering her?" The blue-haired boy asked.

"She can't defeat me. No matter how hard she tries! I hate weaklings!"

The boy smirked.

"I can defeat you."

"N-no!" I yelled, shaking my head, "He'll destroy your bey if you lose!"

"That's ok, (y/n), I won't lose."

My heart skipped a beat. How did he know my name? And, why did his voice sound so, familiarly kind?

They both loaded their beys onto the launchers.

"Let it RIP!"

Calling it a battle would be an overstatement.

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