Shu Kurenai x reader

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Another day, you were wide awake in your room, getting ready for the Tag Team Series.


You heard your phone beep and saw that you got a message from Wakiya, the person in charge of the entire thing. It read, "Hey Y/n, I'm excited to tell you that your partner for the tag team series is none other than Shu Kurenai!" You were so shocked that you read the mail 30-40 times until you finally understood what had happened, You were partners with Shu Kurenai, and it wasn't for just one round, it was for the entire series!

You fell backwards on your bed and hugged your pillow, ever since you had been entered the Raging Bulls, your eyes had been on the owner of it, but you knew he was way out of your league, but what you didn't know was that every step of the way he had always been there, watching you from the side lines, and that he had feeling for a young woman, with (h/c) hair and eyes that were determined to beat anyone.


Ever since (Y/n) was scouted for the raging bulls, she has been beating every one, and I just love how he does, well everything, and thats why I'm going to join the tag team series, only to be her partner.

"Ok listen up, me and (Y/n) are going to be leaving for the world tag team series, ok? I'm going to make Lain the leader, until I get back, so stay strong, and keep blading." He said as you stood beside him ready to leave.

~~Time skip~~

(Y/n) POV

You got on to the plane that would take you to Japan, and got into the window seat next to Shu, and quickly fell asleep (sort of). You purposely put your head and rested it on his shoulder, he looked down at you and.. Smiled?! "Does that mean he likes me? No it couldn't be, could it?" amazing wonderful thoughts were racing around your head


I look down at (Y/n) and just smiled, "She looked so cute when she was sleeping, wait did I just say cute? Am I?" I sighed and rested my head on top of hers "oh (Y/n), what are you doing to me?" and just like that we were sound asleep.

~~Time Skip~~

We reached in what felt like 30 minutes but was actually 13 hours, and headed to our room so we could go to sleep, which obviously I couldn't do, so I woke up and walked over to the window and stared out. Then I heard (Y/n) walk up behind me "S-Shu? You're awake?" she said in her cute, yet sleepy voice. I turned around to face her, "yeah, I can't go to sleep, but why are you up? Shouldn't you be asleep, our battles the first one tomorrow too." I said gesturing for her to go to sleep. "I know Shu, don't worry about me, plus I know that we will win, no matter what, because we have each other." She said as she stood next to me. "Yeah b-" Then out of no where, she leaned in and planted a small kiss on my lips, and simply smiled, and went to sleep.

(Y/n) POV

You woke up, bright and early but apparently, Shu was already out of bed, so you got ready and jogged down to the arena, but to your surprise, Shu was in the training room the two of you were sharing and walked up to you and kissed you, but this time it wasn't a small one, like last night, it was the best most heartfelt kiss ever, so you chose to kiss back, just before having to break apart for air. "Shu, I-" You were about to say something but Shu covered your mouth and said, "(Y/n) I-I love you, I always have, I'm just so into you, ever since you came to the raging bulls I had kept an eye on you, and it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me but--" "Shu, of course I love you! and You know I always will, till the end of time, I will never change my mind! Now lets get out there and show the whole world what were made of!" you said getting your bey and launcher, giggling at the surprised look on his face. "Come on, lets go!" You shouted behind your shoulder. "Coming (Y/n) wait up!" He said chuckling, trying to catch up to you.

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