(Friend Request) Lain x Reader

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A/N: hello! I'm very sorry if this is bad; this is different from anything I've written before, and also I have actually only watched a few episodes of Surge. I hope I know enough to make Lain believable. If there's anything I missed from the storyline, feel free to tell me! Thanks and enjoy! BTW idk who requested this. 

(Four months ago)

It was late. You yawned and stretched, feeling the tug of sleepiness that called you to the bed in your hotel room. As you headed in for the night, you glanced at your phone to check the notifications. If your parents or your friends or anyone had texted you, the message was an instant priority. You had only been away from home for ten hours and you already missed them.

There were a few notifications; mostly reminders you had set for yourself and updates from discord. Dimly, you remembered that you and your friends had a chat on discord. Maybe one of them was online.

You got into bed and got comfortable, opening the app with a yawn. No chat notifications, just a...friend request? You stared at it. The profile picture was of a cute hedgehog, and the name matched it: Edgehog. Edgy hedgehog, you thought with a smile. It didn't look edgy in the least; it was actually kind of cute.

You clicked accept and yawned again, plugging in your phone and pulling the covers up to your chin. You couldn't help but feel a little sad that none of your friends had texted you. But then again, it was only your first night...

The next morning, you woke up to a message alert. You mumbled something unintelligible and groped around in the greyness of sleep until you found your phone. Blinking awake, you glanced at the screen. It was that Edgehog person who had sent you the friend request yesterday. You opened the app.


Edgehog: your about says you're a blader.


You blinked. Well that was random; no one ever mentioned your about.


(U/N): yeah, I am

Edgehog: what's ur bey called

(U/N): (B/N), why?

Edgehog: Mine is Vex Lucius

(U/N): cool name

Edgehog: yeah i guess


You stared at the screen for a bit after that, unsure of what to do next. This user was obviously interested in blading, and was possibly looking for an opponent. But why you?


(U/N): are you on a team?

Edgehog: no, i have a trainer/teacher person

(U/N): you have private training?! How much does it cost?

Edgehog: I don't pay for it. The dude just said 'I'm going to teach you Beyblade.' It was really random

(U/N): wow. I'm going to try to get on the comets in Japan. I wish I was better trained

Edgehog: cool. I guess I should say good luck but I'm not going to

(U/N): you kinda already did, indirectly

Edgehog: what the...

Darn it

(U/N): lol. gtg

Edgehog: ok. Later then


You smiled to yourself, sticking your phone in your pocket. They seemed nice. You mentally winced as you realized you had forgotten to ask about his hedgehog-themed account. Maybe you'd message them later; after you'd chatted with your people from back home.

But keeping your priorities straight, you got up with a final yawn and shook the sleepiness away. You had to get ready for your interview.

(One Month Later)

"Who're you texting?" Your best friend Hikaru asked, leaning over to peek at your screen. You leaned away, quickly covering it. "No one. And I'm not texting," you informed him with a sly grin. Technically you weren't lying. You were on Discord, chatting with Edgehog. For some reason you two had made it an unspoken habit to chat every Friday night, sometimes playing a game or something. Oddly enough, it was a Thursday, and they had messaged you in the middle of a training meeting with your team, the Comets. You had the tag team tournaments coming up soon.

Hikaru shrugged with a grin. "Oh, sure. But I'm pretty sure I saw discord open on there," he added. You shrugged.

"Yeah. I'm just chatting with a friend. He randomly messaged me today. We usually talk on Fridays so I have no idea what he wants now," you said before you could stop yourself.

"Ooh, it's a he?" Raika popped in out of nowhere, craning her neck to see your phone. Embarrassed, you closed the app and stuck the phone in your pocket. "Come on, it's not like that. We haven't even met, and I don't even know where he lives!" You informed, smiling slyly at the two. "So there. I'm allowed to have other friends, right? Or are you guys jealous?"

You were met with frustrated protests from the two. Laughing, you stood to your feet. "Come on guys, we need to practice! Tag teams are coming up soon!"

(One Week Later)

That week, you trained hard, worked hard, and slept hard. Your whole team was tingling with anticipation of the tag team tournaments. You were less worried about your performance since you had trained almost every waking moment. You were more worried about the opponents you were going against.

Hikaru and Hyuga didn't seem worried at all. In fact, they chatted about the blading legends and their beys almost constantly. It agitated you, to say the least. 

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