Fighters (Xander x Reader x Ren Wu)

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You were the new girl on SP Rios. Having propelled yourself to a spot on the Big 5, you were more than just that talented kid on the block. You had never felt more sure that you were destined for greatness.

Just a few weeks ago in Japan, you had been talking with your best friend, Quon, about your latest battle. You were still tingling with excitement and the thrill of victory from the event. The look on Joshua Burns' face kept replaying in your mind, making you smirk. Taking down a member of the Big 5 was—well—big!

"I wish you could have been there, Quon!" You'd exclaimed, leaning back against the bench. "It was probably the greatest moment of my life so far. And now look at this!" You'd exclaimed, thrusting an issue of the WBBA journal at him. "(Y/n) (L/n) Shakes the Big 5!" You felt your face glow.

Quon's face broke into a smile. "Hey, not bad," He commented, notes of pride in his calm voice. He glanced up at you questioningly. "So...what are you going to do now?"

Oof. It was such a simple question, but it had saddened you. You both had realized instantaneously that there was no stopping your free-spirited nature now. Only the edges of the earth could contain you. As much as you loved Quon, you could practically see the opportunities shimmering overseas. You knew you had to go.

"Quon...I..." your voice faltered. He'd held up his hand to silence you. "Don't tell me; I already know. You're leaving." A small smile lit his face, distantly sad. "It's ok. I understand. You've always wanted to travel, and you deserve this. So..." he'd paused mysteriously and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his jacket pocket.

"I know it's out of the blue, but I heard Xander's new team in Rio de Janeiro has an opening. I figured you fit the bill," he'd shrugged casually. You had seized the paper eagerly, reading it. "Woah, seriously? Rio?! That's insane!!" You beamed. Quon smiled warmly. "Are you going to take it?" He'd queried. You blinked. "Well, I don't know. I guess I should give it some thought," you'd declared, a teasing glint in your eyes. Your friend had let out a tired sigh. "Oh boy," he'd muttered.

Now, two weeks later, you were standing in front of the SB Rios headquarters; a beautiful dojo that seemed vibrant with color in the sweltering summer heat. You missed Quon and the Sword Flames, but at the same time, you were excited to meet this Xander; who was a legend at the Sword Flames dojo. He'd left for SB Rios before you joined, so all you knew of him was what Quon and the others had told you. And you liked what you heard.

You knocked on the massive front door eagerly. You waited, but no one answered. A tad frustrated, you looked around you for anyone. Unfortunately, the exterior was deserted. "Hello?" You called. "Anybody home?

Suddenly, your self defense senses told you someone was behind you. You quickly turned and came face to face with a staff. The wielder was a young man with long light brown hair woven into a braid. Your eyes widened. His eyes narrowed. "Who are you and what is your business here?" He asked in a suspicious voice.

"Oh, u-uh, my name is (Y/n)(L/n)," you stammered. "I'm the new team...member?" You shrugged, pretending you were Quon. You were chill. You were serious. You totally weren't freaked out by how adora—uh, cool this guy was.

"Hmmm," he mused, looking you over coldly. You felt a bead of sweat on your face. You hoped he believed you, but it didn't look like he did.

"(Y/n)..." he said in a serious tone. But before he could say anything else, another voice boomed out of nowhere. "Did you say (Y/n)?" A familiar redhead peered out of the doorway at the two of you. Your eyes lit up. "Xander!" You exclaimed, grinning widely. The boy before you glanced at him before slightly nodding towards you. "You know her?" He asked. Xander shook his head, coming out to stand beside you. "Nah. But Quon told me she was coming. Ren Wu, meet your new teammate; (Y/n)!" He patted you on the head.

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