Beyclub(and others) x F!reader (~Teaser~)

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The day before the high school prom, Y/n hears a lot of bickering on the roof and decides to check it out. 

"She's mine," Lui says shoving everyone out of the way.

"You wish. She is mine," Wakiya says as he goes to the bench.

"No one would go out with you. We all know the ladies love me, especially y/n," claims Rantaro, looking proud as ever.

"Guys-" Ken says. Well, tries to say.

"Hey! Break it up! We all know she is going out with me!" Yells Aiger.

"GUYS!" Daigo yells breaking them up.

"What?" Lui says, obviously annoyed.

"If you're going to say that she's going to-" Wakiya starts

"We should let her choose!" Shu says, being as helpful as he can.

Y/n puts her finger to their lips as Shu, Daigo, and Ken see her come up to the roof and smirk. The two boys nod. She listens to the conversation until it becomes a full-on heated argument. 

"Now, who's going out with who?" Y/n says, stepping onto the roof as all eyes turned to her. Making her grin.


Hehe... :D

Hope you liked that! I should do more teasers. Y'know for the suspense!

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