Surge!Flirty!Valt x Shy!Reader (Impossible Love)

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Request made by: KaoruKenzaki555

sorry if this turned out bad...

Y/n's POV

I was just walking to the BC Sol building, with my hood on, trying to conceal myself from the people that were there, because just because this my 3rd time transferring teams, doesn't mean that it gets any easier...

Valt's POV

I walked into the training area and sat next to Free, than just as I was about to sit down, a girl walked in and sat next to me. Kris (I think that she is still in charge) asked for her name, but she only replied with "not important" so she continued with everybody else.

I couldn't help but keep looking at her, and just then the Kris called me over so we could have a talk.

"What is it Kris?" I asked

"It's about the new person that came in this morning, files show that she is a good blader, but is really shy, and her name is Y/n, I was wondering if you could show her around." She said, showing me the Files of her.

"But aren't Hyuga and Hikaru coming over tomorrow?" I asked remembering the event that we had planned.

"Yes, but that's later on, but you can show her now if you'd like" She said, like always, finding an answer to ever problem.

"Cool." I said, and ran put, back to where she was.

"hey, you wanna battle?" I asked, looking down at her, she looked up, and I saw her e/c eyes, they were as bright as the moon/sun (pick one) she nodded and we headed down. 

~~Time skip brought to you by me sucking at writing battles~~


The guy with the blue spikey hair won 2-1, but I didn't care, I walked out of the building, but before I could, he said, "hey, y/n you wanna come to my room, to watch a movie?"

"S-sure, I g-guess."

~~Time Skip to where you arrive at his dorm~~

"Valt? I-I'm here... oh, the doors open, strange" I said, twisting the door nob.

"One sec Y-" Valt came out of the bathroom, supposedly after taking a bath, but I didn't care because I had passed out after seeing Valt come out with a towel around his waist, and nothing else!

"Y/n? y-y/n?" I opened my eyes, and sighed in relief to see Valt wearing some clothes. "oh dear, hey Y/n you wanna go to sleep?" Valt asked looking worried.

"Wh-where?" I asked sitting up and rubbing My head.

"Well here, in my bed with me." He said, grinning like he always does

I was a blushing mess, but to hide it I went and laid down on his bed.

"Sweet dreams Y/n" He said to me in a sweet and calm voice.

Then, out of no where, I felt arms wrap around my waist, and got pulled closer to Valt, but I wasn't nervous anymore, the heat of his body, it warmed me, and like that I fell asleep, with Valt's arms around my waist, and my arms against his chest, sleeping  peacefully, and quietly, together.

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