turbo!!Aiger x Dante's Twin!Reader (What If)

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Author: WILDCARD (@Aigerturb0)

"Please?" Naru pleaded. She was trying to get you to talk to Aiger, the world champion. Also your crush. But off that topic, You hadn't seen him in years and the reason why was playing in your mind over and over. Repeatedly. Non-stop. like a clock ticking, it probably would never stop.

"ACHILLES!" Aiger yelled




Two beys clashed in the center. A cracking sound came from B/n.


B/n. Broken. By your so called 'friend'

You ran. As fast as you could. You hoped he would forget you and move on from things.

"You ok?" Naru asked you. "Yeah. Can I think about this?" You replied as you sat with your back to a tree.

You put on some headphones, and listened to "What If" By Nickelodeon.

Oh No. What's This funny Feeling in my chest

Like, I know, There's a word for this more than friends

Part of me says fight it part of me secretly likes it

What Is happening to me

Ok I said it out loud to Myself

Should I brush it of or should I tell him how I really really feel

What If I Told Him-

you stopped the music because a certain Akabane boy was standing in front of you

That I'd been fallin'

"Hey Korayu," Aiger said.

"Are you about to break my bey again Akabane?" you Asked

I'm Thinking What if What if

You guys were so far apart from each other you couldn't even use your first name.

It's Romantic

"Sorry. About all of that. " He apologized.

It's Got me wonderen how does it all end?

" y/n?" he asked

I'm Thinking what if what if

"yeah?" You asked.

This story has a twist

"Will you be my girlfriend? " He asked.

A nod came from a shocked and wide eyed f/cennete

*Dante and Naru High Five*


"AH!" He started running and you sprinted after him leaving Naru and Aiger

"So,.... You got yourself a boyfriend?" Aiger asked Naru

"Please No!" Naru Pleaded.

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