Surge!Seductive!Lui x F!Tsundere!Reader (The Ice King's Match)

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I know I haven't updated in a long while, but *sigh* here goes nothing.

Requested by: 


I was known for being rude and stubborn towards people, scowling and growling towards anybody who comes in my way, but one flame-haired male, Lui, Lui Shirosagi. I walked into Rainbow Tree Arena, getting ready for my bey battle against Hyuga, I didn't care what he did, I knew I was going to beat him.




let it.. Rip!"

Both beys went into the stadium, my bey, Astral Comet, hit Hyperion head on, and Hyperion burst. I won with a burst finish and before leaving I said to the kid, "pathetic, you're pathetic." 

Hyuga quickly got up and ran in front of me exclaiming, "I'm not pathetic! If you think so, then battle me again!"

"Not happening kid, you're nothing but a waste of my time." I said shoving Hyuga out of my way. Just as I did so, I saw the white tyrant out of the corner of my eyes. I ran, out of view so that no one could see me anymore.

~~Lui POV~~

I saw the whole match, Y/n vs Valt, Valt was being the pathetic nuisance he always is, and Y/n, well, she was just simply amazing... wait, what am I saying? Snap out of it, I'm supposed to be the white tyrant with no emotions, not a weird guy that has f-feelings for some kid.

I got up as soon as I saw her run off of stage, getting ready for my next battle against Hikaru.

~~Time skip~~

"Welcome to the finals beyfans!" The loud commentator says. I walk on to the stage as I see Y/n already there.

"You're late." She says as she got into her stance.

"I know," I say.




Let it Rip" Both tops clashed head to head in the stadium. Draw after draw the battle never ended. Battle 4! Battle 8! Battle 11! The two of us were exhausted but weren't wavering a bit. "3...2...1... LET IT RIP!" We both shout. Then I hear it. Everything goes silent. 

"b-b/n wins w-with a burst f-finish! With a score of 2-0 Y/n L/n is the winner!" 

The crowd bursts into an applaud as I pick up my bey. 

I walk off stage as does she. 

"Hey." I hear.


"Hey." I say as I catch up to him.

"What? Couldn't resist the thought of having another match with me?" He burst out into laughter.

Silence follows. "Good match, Lui Shirosagi" 

He smirks. So do I. 

"Till we meet again, Ice King"

"Oh, we will. You have my word, Ice Queen"



Hope you like it! It was a bit short, but idk I lost inspo.

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