The Devil's Angel (Redeye x reader)

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All you felt was pain. The brutal training at the Snake Pit had worn out your limbs until they were trembling. Just a little further, you assured yourself as you dragged your exhausted body to the break room. It had been hard, but it was worth it. You were now one of Ashtem's dreaded masked bladers.

You collapsed onto a chair; a heavy sigh escaping as the weight was lifted off your body. You gingerly fingered the raw skin the mandatory weights had left on your skin. Perhaps you could take care of those after you received your mask from Ashtem. But for now, there was little time to rest. Though you were so tired, you still had to get that covered mask.

Walking down the eerie but warmly lit hallway to your new boss's office, all you could think about was your future. You'd often been chastised by the overseers in the training yard for 'sleeping on the job,' but really, your head was almost always in the clouds. You wondered about the mask itself. Would it be comfortable? How did it even attach to your face? What color would the eyes be? Was being a masked blader really going to change everything you hoped it would?

Still musing, you absentmindedly pushed open the door to Ashtem's office. You wandered in, glancing around as you tried to remember why exactly you were here. It was strangely quiet.

"(Y/n)?" A low, dark voice asked. "GAH!" You shot back into reality. Sitting in Ashtem's chair was a masked blader; the most important-looking one you'd seen. His mask was ornate, set with red eyes, and his sleeveless coat was white instead of the usual black. Even though the mask hid his expressions, you could see his mouth set in a firm line. A small shiver went down your spine, but you straightened up, trying to seem confident.

"W-who are you? Where's Ashtem?" You asked suspiciously. The blader's face didn't waver. "I am Redeye." He answered, something ominous lingering in his voice. He mechanically stood to face you. "You are (Y/n). Ashtem is currently in New York tending to business. I am to give you your mask."

You felt a tinge of relief, but we're careful to keep your guard up. You straightened up; now solemn. "Ok. I'm ready," you said, with a confidence that was now real. If anything, you believed you were born for greatness. The Snake Pit was your path to it.

His head tilted slightly as he looked you over. "I can see you are. But be warned; once you choose this path, there is no turning back." His words were serious, and something told you they doubled as a warning.

Though you hesitated, you quickly nodded and bowed. "I know. I am ready to achieve greatness. To someday be as strong as you," you added, swallowing over the words.

Redeye gave a final nod. He crossed the room, leading you to a pedestal in the back. On it, gleamed an elegant black mask with almond-shaped (e/c) eyes. You caught your breath when you saw it, and in that moment all your tiredness was forgotten. Fingers trembling, you reached forward and took it. As you put it on, your world was encased in a veil of (e/c).


A few days had passed, and you hadn't seen any more of Redeye. Ashtem too had not yet returned from

New York, so things in the Snake Pit were operated mostly by his minions. You mostly kept to yourself. Now that you had become (E/c)eye, you had your own personal bedroom and access to the pro training center. You also had even more training to undergo before you were sent to battle in the outside world. All that went to show just how dedicated these bladers were.

You were training hard now. The launching machine cables whirred as they retracted, then squealed as you launched hard. Sweat was rolling down your back and your lungs were starting to ache, but you didn't quit. You had trained your body to push far past its breaking point, and you still had a long way to go.

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