Beyclub x Reader

522 6 4

Y/n has joined the chat

Y/n has named the chat "love me to pieces"

Y/n name has changed Y/n to "CherryBlossom"

Daigo has joined the chat

Valt has joined the chat

Ken has joined the chat

Free has joined the chat

Shu has joined the chat

Silas has joined the chat

Lui has joined the chat

Ukyo has joined the chat

Xander has joined the chat

Wakiya has joined the chat

Lui: You guys are still at this? It's 6 am!

Cherryblossom has changed Lui into "Ice Giant"

Ice Giant: I knew you liked me! Ha ha ha

Free: Just let me sleep, plz

Cherryblossom has changed Free into "Let me Sleep"

Let me Sleep: heh, nice anyway, night Y/n, love ya.

Let me Sleep has left the chat

Cherryblossom: Uh.. w-who else wants their name changed? How bout this:

Cherryblossom has changed Ukyo into "I will stalk you"
Cherryblossom has changed Daigo into "Emosaur"

Cherryblossom has changed Ken into "Besu-Keru"

Cherryblossom has changed Valt into "WonderBoy"

Cherryblossom has changed Shu into "Night in shining armor"

Cherryblossom has changed Silas into "Oresma"

Cherryblossom has changed Xander into "Tall Giant"

Cherryblossom has changed Wakiya into "Rich"

EmoSaur: heh Noice, and can we kick Lui out, just a suggestion.

Ice Giant: Hey!

Cherryblossom: Stop fighting!

Rich: I knew you loved me

Cherryblossom has changed Rich into "Rich brat"

Rich brat: Hey!

Cherryblossom: Heh, you can leave now Wakiya.

Rich brat: good. : |

Rich brat has left the chat

I will stalk you: I will stalk u, u want me 2?

Cherryblossom: Yes : )

I will stalk you: Cool

I will stalk you has left the chat

Emosaur: Hey y/n I have to sleep and get ready for school tomorrow, I'm leaving K?

Cherryblossom: K... Luv ya

Emosaur: Luv ya, night

Cherryblossom: Night

Emosaur has left the chat.

Tall giant: hey I'm not THAT tall.

Cherryblossom: Ya sorta are.

Besu-Keru: yea, to be honest u r.

Cherryblossom: see?

Tall Giant has left the chat

Besu-Keru has left the chat

Ice Giant: Did you losers forget about me??

Cherryblossom: Yea, sorta

Night in shining armor: Hey Y/n

Cherryblossom: yea, what is it my dear?

Night in shining armor: is it okay if I leave, I have to get ready for school, goodnight.

Cherryblossom: Night Shu.

Ice Giant: Ew.

Ice Giant has left the chat

Night in shining armor has left the chat

Cherryblossom: Hey Valt, Silas you guys still there?

Wonderboy: Yea

Oresma: Yes

Wonderboy: Why?

Cherryblossom: Just asking cuz u 2 hav been real quiet the entire time. You sleepy or what?

Oresma: Na, we're just seeing how this is gonna turn out heh

Cherryblossom 0.0 Umm, okay? I'm gonna go 2 sleep k?

Wonderboy: K

Oresma: K

Oresma has left the chat

Wonderboy has left the chat

Cherryblossom: I luv u all.

Cherryblossom has left the chat

Read 5:55 A.M.

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