Jealousy (Free x reader)

562 9 14

Requested by: Moonlight (Quotev)

It was another normal night on BC Soul. You had just finished cleaning up for the night and were leaving the bathroom. Walking down the hall, you opened the door to the dorm that you shared with your teammate, Shasa.

She was sitting on her bed. She looked up from her phone as you came in and hesitated at your unusually forlorn expression.

"Hey (Y/n), everything ok?" She asked, setting her phone to the side. You let out a frustrated sigh, removing your jacket and tossing it on your bed. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired," you lied.

Shasa cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. "No, seriously, you're usually never stressed. What's wrong?"

You bit your lip, folding your arms. "Fine. You asked for it. It''s Free," you finally blurted out. "He's been in Kristina's office all day. I haven't seen him. It's getting to me," you admitted, feeling your heart sink as you told her.

Even though it had only been a day, you missed him; his sweet, tired blue eyes and his cute yawns. Every day you saw him, every word you exchanged with him was empowering. You didn't think you would be where you were now without his possibly unintentional encouragement. You told her all this openly, as you had already been carrying this for some time and you were sick of it.

Shasta's shoulders relaxed, and she shook her head a little. "Ok, I think I understand like him." You nodded and sighed again. "I think so...but it won't work. I think that's what makes this so irritating," you said, smoothing the wrinkles out of your sheets. "He likes Kris. He hangs out with her all the time. It's obvious...and it's obvious he doesn't like me."

Shasa leaned forward on her knees. "You don't know that," she answered. "But the best way to know for sure is to just ask him. I know that's easier said than done, but sometimes the things that are worth the most are the hardest to get," she advised, putting her phone on the charger and giving you a small smile.

"Just think about it," she finished, pulling the blankets over her and settling in with a sigh. You thought hard about that. It wasn't like you and Free were close or anything; on rare occasions you trained together. But the more you thought about it, the more restless you grew. You didn't know if you would have the courage to tell him how you felt, but you had to do something.

After a moment, you got up to go to bed, turning off the light. You snuggled into your blankets, keeping your eyes on the hall light coming in from under the door to your dorm. Your bedsheets were soft against your cheek and far off, you could hear the voices of your teammates as they headed to their dorms for the night. You gave a warm smile, closing your eyes shortly before you drifted off to sleep.

~the next day~

You were just stepping out of your dorm, your mind already racing with anticipation. Today was the day. You had decided firmly that you were going to tell Free how you felt; no backing out allowed. It was now or never.

But first, breakfast. Your stomach groaned impatiently as you made your way down the hallway to the cafeteria on the grounds. After breakfast would be training, and then after that...

"Hey (Y/n)!! Wait up!!" You heard a cheerfully familiar voice call. You turned to see your energetic best friend, Valt, charging after you with the speed of an assistant on coffee. "What's up?" You greeted him with a smile. He beamed back at you. "I'm starving. What d'ya think they're cooking up for breakfast today?" He mused, falling in step with you.

You talked all the way to the cafeteria. Once you'd received your food, the two of you sat down with Valt's friends, Honcho and Cuza. You also noted that Honcho had dragged Silas out of his dark little cave to join them. You waved to Shasa as she sat down at a different table, smiling. Things were good, but so far, no Free.

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