Hyde x Reader

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The start was when you guys were like 7 or so and then it's where you guys are 11 (IDK how old he is in turbo, the wiki doesn't say)


"Hey! Give that back Phi! Come here it's mine!" You said chasing after your friend, Phi, who just tripped because if his younger twin brother, Hyde.

"Here." Hyde said as he gave you back Astral Comet.

"T-Thanks Hyde." You said while looking down and gently taking your Comet from him.

"Ooooo~ does someone have a crush?" You heard Phi snicker.

"Shut up!" You and Hyde yelled at the same time, you looked at him as he stared at you, then you giggled.

"Hey Phi, what's the time?" You asked you sneaked up behind him.

"Y-y/n! Don't do that! Anyways the times 12:00 P.M. Why?" He said backing up away from you.

"Shoot. Uh b-bye Hyde! Bye Phi!" you yelled as you ran out of the dread tower that had belonged to the two twins, plus you couldn't stay there, you had to go back home, but you felt that you had been drawn to a certain Lavender-white haired boy.

"Bye Y/n!" the two shouted and waved and just as you left Phi turned to Hyde and looked at him, grinning.

"You like her." Phi stated sounding proud of himself.

"What? N-No!" Hyde said, clearly blushing.

~~4 or so years later~~

"Hyde...no! Why?" you cried in between cries of sorrow seeing that dread hades had just been broken by none other than Phi himself. You ran to go to the bathroom to cry out your feeling for Hyde you bumped into him.

"Y-Y/n. I-I'm sorry." he said as he walked past you without even looking at you in the eyes.

As soon as he said that you turned around on your heel and grabbed him by the wrist. "Why? Why are you the one apologizing to me? It should be Phi not you!" You cried out for his sake.

"Look! I care about you. I saw you crying as soon as Hades burst. If I had gave it my all, I wouldn't have lost and you wouldn't be hurt! B-but *grolws* just leave me alone!" He shouted at you and ran away.

"Hyde!" You yelled hoping he would stop. But that is when you got an email from Aiger.

Crimson: u good?

you: No

Crimson: Why?

you: H-Hyde yelled at me

Crimson: Ima beat that guy up and

Crimson: And

you: Don't!

Crimson: huh? B-but why?

you: he was just upset

Crimson: well you want me to talk to him?

you: He wouldn't want to talk, I-I'll go myself, but thanks Aiger your the best.

Crimson: No prob! I'll be ready if you want me to beat him up k?

you: : ) Bye Aiger.

Crimson: Bye y/n

Crimson signed off

you signed off

You put your phone away and went to Hyde's tring room, no luck. Than you heard light sobs outside, and you knew exactly who it was.

"Hyde?" you said as you sat down next to the sobbing male.

" *sniffle* yeah y/n?" Hyde said looking at the ground.

You took his hand and squeezed it tightly, receiving an "ow" from Hyde who was not crying anymore. You smiled and looked at him and gently spoke "You good?"

"heh. yeah." He said with a sad smile.

"Come on! You know you don't need to talk to me like you're hiding something which you clearly are." you said making it so that he would be staring right at you.

"No. Seriously. I'm fine." He said looking away, realizing that you were still holding his hand, he blushed.

"Hyde, I-I love you, it makes me heartbroken to see you like this, please, cheer up." You said making him blush even more. And that was enough to make you giggle.

"I... Y/n I-I love you too." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear him.

"What was that?" you teased.

"I'm not gonna say it again, got that?" he said turning towards you.

You leaned in and sealed the space between your lips and his. Making the two of you blush so hard when you broke apart for oxygen.

"I gotta go Hyde. My rounds next!" you said smiling and you were about to go when Hyde grabed you by the wrist.

"hmm?" you said confused.

"T-thanks, y/n I needed that." he said as he hugged you and you hugged back.

"No prob, you know I will always be there for you no matter what, and you should know that!" you said, as you let go of your friend. 


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