Shall We Dance? (Suoh x reader)

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Requested by: Lavash (Quotev)

You were panting hard, every muscle focused on the battle in front of you. (B/n) swirled around gracefully in the stadium, then suddenly took on a burst of speed and collided with Forneus, sending up a rain of sparks. Across from you, the beyclub's captain, Fubuki, gritted his teeth and swept the air.

"Go! Forneus, Ultra Emperor Drift!" He ordered. You took a deep breath. "I don't think so! Channel Whip!!" You countered. Once more the beys collided, whips of lightning resonance streaming out. It was all over too quickly. The metallic sound of a burst rang out, and (B/n) was tossed out of the arena in three pieces.

Fubuki straightened up, wiping his face on his sleeve briefly before smiling assertively. "I win," he stated. You evaded his eyes, kneeling down to pick up the pieces.

"Come on," you muttered to yourself, disgusted. Your first battle with the captain of the beyclub and you couldn't even make a good first impression.

"That wasn't bad," you heard Fubuki say. Surprised, you looked up. The blonde was still smiling, a little gentler this time. "You were a little hesitant in your launch. Next time, try loosening up a bit," he advised, picking up Forneus.

You blinked. "Are you kidding me? That was awful," you began, but you were cut off by a smooth voice.

"You shouldn't be so self-critical, you know." You both looked over to the door of the gymnasium at the speaker. A strangely boy with spiky white hair and long bangs covering the left side of his face had just entered, holding a towel in one hand. He smiled cordially at Fubuki, handing it to him, which the latter took. Then his 'gaze'...his eyes were closed...fell on you. A small frown crossed his face.

"Who's this?" He asked. Fubuki motioned to you. "This is (Y/n)(L/n). You saw the battle?" He asked, to which the boy ignored. He smiled cutely at you.

"(Y/n)? A pleasure. My name is Suoh Genji," he introduced himself. A trace of pink crept into your cheeks. He was so smooth...who was this guy?!

"H-hi," you answered shakily, then you forced your voice to steady itself. "It's nice to meet you too Suoh," you finished, smiling.

Suoh's smile seemed to widen. "So (Y/n), how about a battle?" He asked. Briefly he slipped his hand into one of the pockets of his coat and pulled out a bey.

Uncertainly, you looked at Fubuki, who nodded. "I'll ref," he offered, taking the referee's position at the stadium. Turning back to Suoh, you smiled. "Yeah, sure."


Every day after that, whenever you dropped in to the beyclub, Suoh would come around to say hello. You, him and Fubuki would spend hours battling, or just talking and getting to know each other. It was obvious that the three of you were fast friends.

However, the more you and Suoh talked, the more you started to like him. Whenever he came up to you, that perfect smile on his face; your heart would skip a beat. It was like you couldn't help but be drawn to him. You knew it was stupid, you knew you had no chance with him...but that didn't stop the blush from tracing your cheeks. What was worse? You were worried what would happen if he felt the same way.

You had seen what he could do; when he was battling other opponents. When he had gone up against Toko in the battle royale, he seemed to change entirely. Also, you were worried about him and Fubuki.

You had done your best to keep a positive front on your friendship, but things were definitely getting strained between the two of them. At times, it felt like you were the only glue keeping them together. It complicated things to say the least.

You wanted to talk to him about it, as the good friends you knew you were; but would things be the same if you did?

"(Y/n)?" You were startled by Suoh's voice in the gymnasium. "Gah!" You said sharply, causing you to mess up your launch. Your bey rocketed around before spinning to a stop after only a few minutes. Suoh was instantly apologetic.

"Oh, I apologize. I didn't mean to startle you," he added, releasing a small chuckle. You shrugged it off, feeling that familiar pounding of your heart as he smiled at you. "It's alright," you replied softly, looking around. "I thought no one was here. I was going to practice," you admitted. Suoh's 'gaze' never left you. "Ah, I see," he said, a little distantly.

Your heart skipped again and you felt your face grow hot. You were embarrassed, as your blush is always obvious; and you kept your gaze on something invisible on the ground. "Uh..." you heard yourself say, trying to think of a conversation.

All of a sudden, Suoh asked, "(Y/n), do you know how to dance?" Your head shot up to stare at him, your entire face going pink. He was staring at you intently, patiently awaiting your answer.

"Uh...not really..." you managed, suddenly extremely shy. Suoh gave a curt nod, lowering his gaze briefly. "I see...well, would you like to learn?" He asked, his head cocking just a bit.

You didn't even know how to respond. The truth was, you couldn't dance a single step. But...Suoh was asking you to dance, and from the way your heart was racing, you figured this wasn't an opportunity you wanted to pass up.

"Um...yes," you finally answered softly, looking up at him and smiling shyly. Another perfect smile from Suoh. "Wonderful," he answered simply, motioning for you to join him a bit farther away from the stadium. Your body trembling with excitement, you approached him, unsure of what would happen next.

Suoh smiled again and bowed to you classily, extending his hand for you to take. You felt like squealing inside. How was he so perfect?! Your hand was unsteady as you took his. It was warm, with callouses from bey training...perfect.

He straightened up, avoiding your eyes as if he was unsure. Then he gently put his arm around you, extending your arms in the familiar position of a dance.

"It's really quite simple," he informed you, and then patiently began to teach you the steps. Hesitantly, you stepped with him, looking down for the first part to follow his feet. His hand on you was warm and steady, and it sent shivers of excitement down your back. You wondered if he could feel them too.

"I-I think I'm getting it," you gave a small laugh as you began to move in sync with him. He smiled. "It's fun, right?" He asked, to which you nodded.

"Ok, now let's try this," he said slowly, and he let go of your hand and gently raised your chin so that you were looking at him. Your heart nearly quit on you. His eyes were open, the beautiful yellow irises finally exposed, gazing at you. You lost your voice.

"I—" you started, before breaking off. "I don't want to step on you," you finally managed. He shook his head gently. "I'm not worried about that. You are a wonderful dancer, (Y/n) (L/n)," he said softly.

You felt your face go hot, unable to process all of these emotions. You looked at the floor, biting your trembling lip. "Suoh...I'm not, really. I...I think this is all you," you admitted.

He shook his head. "I can't agree. You just needed some help getting on your feet," he answered in that same sweet tone. "And, well, dancing is a team effort," he added.

You were speechless once again. He saw your frozen face and chuckled. "Do you remember the first thing I said to you when we met, (Y/n)? I told you not to be so self-critical. I see you still haven't taken my advice," he said with a chuckle.

"You see, I saw something that neither you nor Fubuki was able to see in you fully. I saw your potential. You are an incredible person (Y/n), and I? I can't help but yearn to see that incredible person every day," he told you, slipping his hands down to your waist, pulling you close to him. "The truth is, I didn't know what it was at first. But I know now; it was love. I love you, (Y/n)," he confessed, putting his forehead against yours.

You felt light, loose; almost like it wasn't real. You could barely speak, and you felt like you were grappling for words. But so simply, you whispered in reply, "I love you too."

Suoh smiled that perfect smile, closing his eyes. You expected him to reply, but instead, he gently kissed you, pulling one arm away to brush your hair out of your face. You closed your eyes, leaning into him and holding him close.

Your heart was beating a mile a minute, but at this point, you didn't care. After all, you were on cloud nine. 

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