Daigo x Midori!F!Reader (The Silent's Voice)

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I'm sorry for doing all the female readers, if there are any people who are uncomfortable with this, please inform me so I can change it for later reads.

Requested by: Lavash (10 months ago o.o)

"Burst finish! With a score of 3-1, the Silent Blader wins!" Says the referee

"Alright, folks! For the Final match of the France Beyblade Tournament, it's gonna be Daigo versus the Silent Blader! See you, tomorrow folks!" Announces the incredibly loud announcer.

"Good job sis," Ken says as I walk into the rest area for bladers. It was just me and my brother in there. I smile and nod, signaling 'thank you'. "Y'know, you should try talking to others for a change." I glare at him making him say, "Geez, never mind," He lets out a soft chuckle.

"Ken's right, you should talk Y/n," says Shu as he walks in. I hug him and give him puppy eyes to beg him to disagree with Ken. "Ok, ok," Shu says. "Well, good luck in the finals," he says, hugging me back and leaving to do his own training.


"Hey! Give that back!" I asked as (e/n) took my Beyblade.

"Ha. Nope. Look at her! Pathetic." He said shoving me against the wall.

"Stop- stop bullying m-me." I cried.

"Aw. what are you going to do? Tell?" (e/n) said, laughing.

"Hey. Why don't you pick on someone else? Leave her alone." Someone said, stepping in front of me and protecting me.

"Did you hear her on stage?" (o/e/n) says, coming closer to me (NOT LIKE THAT).

"Yeah she sounds like a three-year-old." (e/n) laughs.

"Leave!" The guy yells.

"Tha-thanks," I say.

"Wow. They were right. You sound pathetic." He says. He walks away. The tears flow. They won't stop. 'Fine. If you don't like my voice, I won't talk. That way they can't bully me." I wipe my tears and find Ken.

~End of flashback~


~~~Daigo POV~~~

Finally. It's the day of the finals. "You hyped?" asked Valt, my friend from when I was in Japan. "That Silent Blader seems so powerful. Man, I wanna go against her and just Bam! Pow! Wablow! Y'know?!" he rants. Then he stops. "Hey, you good?"

"Huh? What was that?" I looked up after snapping out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look zoned out," Valt says. I get up and pull out my bey, "c'mon it's time for my battle." I say, avoiding his gaze.

~Little Timeskip~

Out of breath, I picked up my bey and launched it again. It seemed as if the battle was going on for eternity. The Silent Blader Tilted her head, and as if her bey knew exactly what to do, it burst Doomscizor. Silence.

"B/n with a burst finish! With a score of 2-0 The Silent Blader is the winner!" the referee called out. I picked up Doomscizor, "You did well." I whispered to it. The Silent Blader came over to me with her hand stretched out. I smiled and took it.

"That's all folks! Here you have it! The winner of the France Beyblade Tournament is The Silent Blader! Oh- wait. What's this?" The cameras focused on The Masked Blader, standing next to me.

"Y-y/n?" I gasped as she took off her mask. She turned to me. She smiled, the smile I haven't seen in years. The crowd cheered and gasped as they found out who The Masked Blader was, but I ignored it. All I could focus on was Y/n and how much she had advanced. I went to find Y/n when we were out of sight. I saw Y/n hanging out with the rest of the beyclub as I entered the training room.

"Woah! Y/n that was awesome! Oh, hey Daigo! We were just talking to Y/n!" I looked over and smiled, my face heating up. "Hey Daigo, you good? Your face is red."

"Oooh~ Someone has a crush~" whispers Rantaro to Ken who both laugh, including Y/n who smiles and giggles.

"I heard that! You guys are so dead!" I say, as I start to chase them around the room (let's hope it's like rlly big lol.) Then I hear it. Y/n's laugh. It's so... adorable. But as soon as I turn my focus to Y/n, the others run out of the room, leaving just me and Y/n.

~~~Y/n POV~~~

I make room for Daigo as he comes over to me. "You know, your voice is beautiful. You should really use it more." I blush. I hide my face, but instead of burying it in my hands, Daigo hugs me, letting me blush even harder and hide my face. "You're so cute when you're flustered." He cups my face and brings his face closer to mine. Our lips collide, as time stops. "I love you, Y/n."

"I-I love you too, Daigo."

*Click* *Click*


;) hope you enjoyed that! Peace out!


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