Ashtem x Reader (Undercover lover)

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Requested by: TinaGray912

"Let it RIP!" I yelled as I trained in the Snakepit.

"Very good (e/c) eye. I see you have progressed impressively with you training." 

I grunt as I look at him with a death glare. "If you've come to compliment me, I don't need it. Other low-life do though."

"Now is that a way to act towards your master?"

"I can act as I please. Why are you here anyways?"

"I can be anywhere I please."

"Ugh." He chuckled

"Come on darling. Just let your walls down. Let me love you."

"I am. My walls have been broken ever since I met you. But you have failed countless times to impress me."

"Fine, give me one more chance. "


"Now, let me lead you to your new home." He lead me to a door in the back of his office. 

"Wow. And you had all this set up for me?" 

"Did it myself, impressed?"

"Well,  you've won something.

"A few hundred? Please, I don't need tha-" I cut him off with a kiss to his lips.

"My heart"


Short and Sweet!

Hope you liked that one, I didn't know what else to write, so I just did the first thing that cam to mind.

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