Unexpected lovers(Ken x reader)

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In this, you are #Emolord's (Daigo/Diana) older sister!! Have fun~


You were possessive. It was a common fact. Personally, you felt you had to be; growing up with so many siblings who were so likely to take your stuff.

You knew it was because they admired you—at least, you hoped it was. It could have been because you just had cooler stuff. But you liked having Beyblade all to yourself. You could pour yourself into the sport without worrying about it being stolen from you.

That is, until one day.

"(Y/n), check this out!" Your younger brother by one year smiled at you; a rare event. Curious, you pushed your chair back from your desk to look at him. In his outstretched hand, shone a shiny silver and purple Beyblade, clearly brand new.

You felt your spirits plummet. "Daigo...where did you get that?" You asked, trying to sound interested and happy for him as you took it. 

Daigo pushed his hands into his jacket pockets. "One of dad's friends in France made it for me. It's totally new. It's called Dark Doomscizor."

Dark Doomscizor, you thought bitterly. It sounds strong. Stronger than (B/n). He'll be good with it, too. Daigo is good at everything he tries.

Mutely, you handed the bey back to him and turned back to your homework. Daigo maintained the silence, waiting for you to speak. After a second, you answered: "Cool. I hope you do well."

He did do well. He did so well that your interest in Beyblade was beginning to wane. He entered into competitions, helped start a Beyclub at your school, and gained a lot of friends. At one point, people would have been turned off by Daigo's naturally passive nature, but not anymore. Instead, they flocked to him...and not to you.

One day, when the Kurogami family was sitting around the dinner table, Daigo spoke. "Um, dad, is it alright if I have my friends over on Saturday night?"

Your dad looked at Daigo in surprise. "What friends are those?" He asked.

 You sighed quietly. "The Beyclub, probably." You pushed at the wrinkles in the rug below you with your foot. Daigo's expression changed.

"You could be a little nicer when you talk about my friends," he requested, not unkindly in the way only Daigo could. 

You shrugged. "Sorry."

Your mom smiled warmly. "I think it's a wonderful idea. What were you guys thinking of doing?" She asked.

While your parents chatted with Daigo about plans, you swallowed the rest of your food. Picking up your plate, you set it down on the kitchen counter and headed up to your room. You weren't particularly looking forward to the party coming to your humble abode. You crossed your fingers that you wouldn't even have to interact with more than a simple "hello."

That Saturday, Daigo's group of blading buddies came over. You recognized a lot of them, Honcho especially. You guys sat next to each other in class and sometimes even talked at lunch. He gave you a smile and a peace sign as he came in. "What's up, (Y/n)!"

There was also the spiky blue-haired boy who Daigo introduced as Valt. You'd seen him battle before, and for someone so clueless, he wasn't bad. It was good to have a name to the face.

There was also the famous Shu. You knew him. Your best friend had a crush on him. He was nice, but not your type. You did greet him nicely, at least you hoped you did.

But there was someone else who you didn't recognize. Spiky blackish hair and dark green eyes with a light of nervousness in them. He'd also brought some friends; two cute puppets. He barely said anything when Daigo introduced him. "This is Ken. Ken, this is my sister, (Y/n)," he said, gesturing briefly to you.

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