Claustrophobia (Yandere!Wakiya x reader)

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Your fingers trembling, you fumbled to twist the lock on your bedroom door. Your heart was racing so fast, you almost felt sick with anxiety. Clenching your fists, you slid down to a sitting position, breathing deep to calm yourself.

It didn't work.

Another classmate dead. Another unsolved mystery. Another black mark against the reputation of Beigoma Academy. And you were the possible cause for it all. The police had been baffled, your teachers had been shocked, and all your friends were on edge. Whoever it was that was killing people could strike any of them at any moment.

You were done with it all. You wished for it all to stop. you wanted to feel safe again. But something that lingered in the back of your mind told you that would never happen.

You were startled by a knock on your door. Your hands still trembling, you stood to your feet and swung the door open. You were met by the concerned face of your friend Wakiya.

"W-Wakiya? How did you get here?" You asked, looking down the hallway just in case he had been followed. He tapped his pocket lightly. "We had a beyclub meeting at your house a few months ago. I have your address," he explained, eyeing you up and down. "I came by to check on you. I know with everything that's been happening, you might be feeling off," he finished, looking down.

You blinked, your shoulders relaxing a little. "Oh. That's actually very thoughtful of you, Wakiya," you noted, with a hint of a tease in your voice. He flushed and folded his arms. "Well, it was also partly Daigo's idea," he tried to cover up. You saw through it and hid a smile.

" want to come in?" You asked, moving aside to give him room to enter. He looked at you and almost smiled before he covered it. "Hmph, I guess I have a little time," he mused. He entered, glancing around at your room before sitting down on your bed.

You sat down next to him with a sigh. "If I'm being honest...I'm worried. For all of you. This is scary, and I would be crushed if anything happened to any of you. You guys are the reason I started blading and the reason I smile every day," you told him, a sad smile forming.

Wakiya looked at you intently as you spoke. "You're not worried about being killed yourself?" He asked, with a bit of surprise.

You shook your head. "Not consciously. If I would die it would be meaningless, but my friends are everything to me. I wouldn't be able to stand it if they were next," you explained, unsure he was actually understanding what you said.

Surprisingly, he broke off in a smile. "That's what makes you so special, (Y/n)," he said softly. "You care so much about other people. It's...sweet." He blushed and looked away.

You stared at him in amazement as red flooded your cheeks. You'd never told anyone this, but you actually had the tiniest crush on Wakiya since he'd stood up for you back on your first day of school. You'd never pursued it for the sake of your friendship, but to see him like this, as much of a mess as you were...

"You're a good friend, Wakiya," you sighed, daring to put a hand on his shoulder. His jacket was silky to your touch. He let out a heavy breath. "Just a friend...?" You heard him mutter.

"W-what?" You asked, trying not to stammer. He looked up at you and picked up your hand, taking it in his. "I-If I..." he tried. "If I were to kiss you right now, what would you say?" He said quickly. You felt your face grow hot, unable to speak. "I...wouldn't say anything," you admitted, giving him a tiny smile.

He smiled, pulling you in slowly. "Then...I think I might," he said. "Kiss me?" You asked breathlessly. He shook his head slightly. "Not say anything," answered.

~One Week Later~

It was official. You and Wakiya were dating. You had never in your time knowing him even imagined he liked you back, but here you were; talking/texting every day, holding hands when you walked together, everything you had dreamed about when you'd laid awake at night. You were happy, he was happy, it was perfect.

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