Chapter 28

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Team RWBY finally reached the Froste Corp. Landing Pad, following the Froste Corp Administrator now identified as Spark Arc. It was a pretty cool name in Ruby's opinion, especially since it rhymes and has a nice ring to it. The Froste Corp building was ginormus glass building almost as big as Beacon, only the palette consisted of baby blue and white, with blue accents along the corners and sides. The logo was of a gradient snowflake that shifted from red, to blue, and ended in yellow.

"I didn't know Jaune had an older brother." Blake said.

"Just because their attitudes are... completely uncanny, it doesn't make them related, Blake." Weiss sniffs, but even she had her doubts. Spark chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, heh heh, I'm not surprised." Ruby looks at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll start at the beginning: my full name is Spartacus Arc, disowned first born of the House of Arc." He introduces himself in a mock bow, a tone of dismay in his usually cheerful personality.

Ruby was the one to gasp first, with her team expressing their own shock. Yang's eyes widened and her fists clenched, Blake's ears picked up, and Weiss had a look of what was a cross of annoyance and sympathy. Strange and unwelcome bedfellows, those two.

"You were disowned?" Ruby says and then suddenly hugs Sparks head to her body. "How could someone so awesome get disowned!! You poor thing!!" Ruby sheds crocodile tears.

"She's a sucker for family drama."Weiss thinks with a deadpan expression. "But then again, where was my hug Ruby Rose!?"

Weiss wouldn't get a hug from her partner because Ruby didn't know the full story behind the Schnee family. If she had, then she'd no doubt hug her like a sack of donuts. But then Weiss would have shoved her away, so what was the point of continuing this tangent?

Spark pulls away from Ruby, a little shocked from being hugged so suddenly. He clears his throat, and then recounts his tragic tale.

"S-So, the Arc family has a long lineage of Warriors and Hunters. As the eldest son, I'm 25 by the way, I was supposed to inherit the Arc name and carry on the family legacy. I had a natural talent for it, given my semblance."

Spark activated his Semblance and started generating electricity. The sparks cracked and sparkled as his hands formed arches of pure electric energy, before he jabbed two fingers in the air. A large yellow bolt of thunder shoots out of his fingers and into the air with a loud BOOM!

Silence...until Ruby let out a girly scream.

"✨SO COOOOOL!!!!✨" Ruby shrilled and hung on to Sparks arm. "How did you do that?!"

"W-Well, that's just my semblance. It's called Spark, and I can summon and manipulate any form of electricity."

"Is that why you changed your name to Spark?"

"HAH! No way! " Spark chuckles, then looked sheepish. "That's a nickname I went by after I...well, after I stuck a fork in an electric socket as a baby." The shocked looks and the look of horror on Weiss' face made Spark put up his hands in defense.

"H-Hey, don't worry! That's also when I discovered my semblance and unlocked my aura!"

"You really are a natural talent!" Ruby says in awe. Spark shrugged bashfully.

"But I don't really like fighting all that much. I was good at it, but I wanted to be something more than just a stereotypical blonde knight in shining armor." He stands straight with pride, his chest sticking out. "I wanted to be a scientist!"

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