Chapter 32

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"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?"

Yang and Ruby were standing beside one another, facing the barrier that held the rest of their friends captive.

"I want you to break through that barrier by punching it," Ruby tells her again, huffing. Yang just stared at her, dumbfounded. Her sister's plan involved the blonde punching the barrier with her bare knuckles, but she had to remove her weapons for this. Which did not give Yang any confidence in what her sister was up to.

"Did using that move mess with your head or did you just decide to turn stupid?" She says, and speaks slowly, "You saw me punch," Yang mimics the motions of a punch, "that force field like a bitch that owes me money."

"I know, Yang," Ruby replied in the same slow tone to mock her.

"Oh, that's great!" She nods sarcastically, "Then, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PUNCH IT IF IT DID JACK SHIT THE FIRST TIME?!!" She screams at her sister. Weiss was standing beside Winter, both Schnees watching the two siblings argue.

"So, this is truly how you and your team coordinate?" Winter asks her.

"If the moment calls for coordination," Weiss remarks. She shakes her head. "Honestly, this is our first real mission as a team outside of Beacon. Most of our time at Beacon was spent studying and training, so getting out in the field is a different experience."

"And your team leader. Her name is Ruby, correct?" Winter asks, getting a nod from Weiss. "I'm beginning to ask myself if she truly has lost her mind. What sort of plan does she hope to enact if attacking the barrier physically was fruitless from the start?"

"Probably one we least expect," Weiss answers. Truthfully, she had no idea what Ruby came up with. Her partner's strength and relentlessness is something to be reckoned with if her past battles are anything to go by. Such as the tie she had with Pyrrha, and her battle with the Red Sea Monster.

In Weiss opinion, Ruby's mind was fully intact. It's just that her partner is batshit crazy. Winter switches her gaze from the arguing siblings to her sister.

"And yet despite not knowing the details, you have full confidence that her plan will work." Weiss looks up at her sister, but chooses not to answer. She didn't know; about the plan or if it will work. It didn't require her help, which made her feel left out. She wasn't the strongest on the team, but she still played a crucial role. She just didn't know where she fits in.

Ruby holds her face and lets out another irritated huff. "Look, I get it that punching it the first time did nothing. But we were just angry and not thinking." She tells her sister. "But now that we're outside, we can be smarter about this and try it again."

"But how, Ruby? How do you expect me to do this?" Yang exasperated to the point of pleading. Instead of getting irritated with her sister, Ruby gives her a cultivating look.

"I'll teach you. Get into a stance, like me." Ruby says and gets in a squared stance. Her knees are shoulder width apart, her back is straight, and her hands are held at chest level. Her sister watches her carefully and follows her example. Yang was not a martial artist, but her form was perfect and her stance was powerful.

"Good." Ruby says, "Now this part is a little tougher. I want you to draw the aura flowing inside and collect as much of it as you can. Then, direct as much of your collected aura into your fist."

"Just my one fist?" Yang asks.

"Yep; you're just beginning, so doing both fists won't work well for you," Ruby tells her. "Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and do exactly as I told you."

Yang regards her sister for a moment before she takes a deep breath and then closes her eyes. She slowly inhales through her nose and slowly exhales out her mouth through pursed lips. She tries to draw upon her aura, but it's hardly tangible for her to grasp. Had she used her semblance, it would have been easy. The excess aura she'd create from absorbing damage is more tangible and simple to draw upon, but drawing from her aura in its relaxed state. Yang works hard to draw from her aura through sheer stubbornness and willpower into her fist.

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