Chapter 8

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Team RWBY Dorm

Ruby bolted upright from her bunk, breathing rapidly as the adrenaline pumped through her system. She turned to look at the clock below and saw that it was 5:50 a.m. It was still dark outside.

She looked to see who else was up. It was just her.

Once Ruby got a hold of her breathing, Ruby decided to go over the events that happened in her...

What could she even call that?

It was scary, but not enough to be considered a nightmare. It wasn't pleasant as any of the dreams she had.

Perhaps a vision? Maybe. It was the closest thing she could compare it to.

Refocusing on the vision, the events were pretty simple, and more chaotic than a full on Grimm invasion.

It took place in a world of sentient, one-eyed letters. Her imagination was enough to even confuse her at times. In this world, two dragons, one pink and one blue, hate each other's guts to the point of total destruction of another world. Both dragons posses powers that could dwarf that of Hyper Beam and even the fabled Draco Meteor.

But what did the words the Grimm-like creature said mean? How did it know her mother?

Two Dimensions...Two Dragons...

She groaned in frustration, holding her head between her hands. She wasn't good with this kind of stuff. She'd have to ask an expert in interpretation, preferably one in history.

But who?

"Maybe Mom?" Ruby whispered to herself.

Yeah, she'd probably know something about that. Perhaps Mew, too? She knew a lot of about Special Techniques and Attacks. Maybe she could recognize some of the ones she'd seen in her dream.

One things for sure, the power from those dragons was beyond anything comprehendable. Regigigas was perhaps just as powerful, but the Regis would've been rubble and scrap if they fought those things. It was the stuff of legends.

That was the best way to describe such power.


1 hr and 10 mins later

Weiss was used to waking up early. One thing Weiss was not used to was other people being awake when she was. Back in Atlas, either everyone was asleep or gone for the day when she got up. Things would be different at Beacon it would seem. The heiress sat up and stretched, hearing snoring from Yang's bed and gentle sleeping breaths from the bed Blake rested on.

She was about to head out when she noticed that Ruby wasn't in her bed. She went to see where she was before she saw the young leader come in the room. She looked exhausted from the way her eyes looked: restless and sleepy.

"Is everything alright Ruby?" Weiss asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, everything is, is great Weiss." She gave out a loud, unceremonious yawn as she stretched. "Just very tired."

"Where did you go?"

"Library." She said as she sat on one of the desks and her head went THUMP on the wood's surface. The sound was loud enough to wake up Yang from her slumber and Blake stirred awake.

"Ruby?" Blake said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She got a good look at the girl; she looked miserable.

"You okay Ruby?"

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