Chapter 19

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Mondays suck. It was a universal truth, no matter what anyone said. Ruby would stick by her armor on this; Mondays suck. It meant she couldn't hang out with her friends or stay up late playing video games or working on her training because she had to be awake the next morning. Mondays suck.

However, things were beginning to get interesting in Glynda's Class.

"Before I dismiss you, I wish to inform you that, starting with our first class, tomorrow, I will not be choosing the matchups. I will allow you to volunteer and/or issue challenges to your fellow students. In preparation for those classes, please consider who you wish to fight. I advise you to pick opponents who challenge your skills, not those you think will give you an easy match for the sake of improving your ranking." She gazed around the class, and sighed. "Dismissed."

Team RWBY and JNPR flinched as Glynda's announcement was greeted by a shrill squeal from the seat next to them. They all turned to look at Pyrrha, who looked as though her birthday and Yuletide had come simultaneously.

"Uh...Pyrrha?" Jaune prompted.

Pyrrha snapped out of her gleeful daze, looking at her teammates, then flushing a furious red as she averted her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" she said abruptly.

"What are you so embarrassed about?" Nora wanted to know, leaning over to Pyrrha closely.

"It's just..." Pyrrha sighed. "I don't want to talk down about my previous opponents, but it's been so long since I've had a real fight."

"Well, I'm sure Yang or Nora would be a good match for you." Blake suggested.

"I think she already has someone in mind." Ren said as he faced his teammate.

Pyrrha slowly nodded.

"Who is it!?" Nora jumped in excitement as she began bouncing up and down rapidly. "TellmeTellme! TEEEEEEELL MEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

"Easy Nora." Ren placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from bouncing...only for him to start vibrating in place along with Nora.

"Wow..." Ruby mouthed silently. 'And I thought I was energetic.'

"I'd rather keep it to myself for now." Pyrrha said. "But it is one of you, if it helps."

"Well, I guess if that's what makes you happy..." said Weiss.

"Hey," said Jaune, patting Pyrrha's shoulder, "whatever else, I'm glad to see a bit more of the real you."

"Very true," agreed Ren.

Pyrrha squeaked and hid her face as everyone chuckled. As they all begin to leave, Pyrrha tapped Ruby's shoulder.

"What's up, Pyrrha?" asked Ruby, looking at her friend expectantly.

"Ruby, do you remember what's happening in Combat Class, tomorrow?" asked Pyrrha.

"Yeah," said Ruby. "Professor Goodwitch is letting students volunteer and challenge each other."

"I want to fight you," said Pyrrha. "Is that all right?"

"Sure," Ruby said, surprised by the intensity and eagerness in Pyrrha's voice.


"Sorry,"  Pyrrha looked down bashfully. "It's just...ever since the first time I saw you fight, I've really wanted a match with you. You're the first person who...well..."

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