Chapter 5

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11 years ago


Taiyang was furious. When he woke up that morning and saw Ruby was gone, he had one guess as to what had happened. Yang was woken up by shouting between Taiyang and Qrow.

"Where is she, Qrow!?" Taiyang yelled the second Qrow walked through the door.

Qrow could only think of one woman he knew of where she might be that Taiyang would be concerned with. "Raven?"

"Don't play dumb." Taiyang warned. "Where's Ruby?"

"Wait, Ruby's..." Qrow realized. "And that's why you called me over."

"I won't ask again." Taiyang deadpanned.

"Well, newsflash, I don't know." Qrow told him.

"Bullshit!" Taiyang shook his head. "You wanted to train her!"

"If I wanted to train Ruby under your nose, I would taken her a long time ago, instead of continuously trying to make you see reason!" Qrow shouted back.

"There's nowhere else she could possibly be." Taiyang reasoned.

"Well you can investigate me," Qrow offered, "and then you can blow me. I warned you Ruby would disappear. That she would look for training on her own. If you had let me train her, we could've kept her here, kept an eye on her. And now she's gone."

"Are you trying to say it's my fault?" Taiyang accused.

"She's not Summer, you know." Qrow shot.

Taiyang was silent, the he scowled at the man.

"What does that mean?"

"I know Summer's death hit you hard. You're not the only one who was affected by it. But to so much as get rid of her memory because you couldn't stand to remember it? What the hell, Tai!?"

"I wanted to protect her!"

"By denying her dream to be a Huntress and destroy any Remnant of her mother!? Yeah, because that seemed to work out really well!" He spat, sarcasm dripping evidently.

"Even you're not that dumb, so the only answer I can think of is that you're so afraid of losing Summer again, you refused to let Ruby live her life. She stopped being your daughter the moment you denied her the chance! "

"F*** you!!" Taiyang cursed.

"Don't hate me because I'm right." Qrow deadpanned.

"If it were up to you, Ruby would live with you forever. You would tell yourself it's to 'keep her safe'. And you would believe it too."

"Give. Her. Back." Taiyang refused to listen any further.

"You used to be better than this, Tai. You were a good father, you still are to Yang." Qrow shook his head.

"I'm going to look for Ruby. You can stay here and make baseless accusations until the cows come home."

Qrow slammed the door on his way out. Taiyang stood there, staring after him. Yang dared to venture out form the shadows of the hallway. "Is Ruby really gone...?"

"Not for long." Taiyang promised, pulling out his scroll. "We're going to get her back. Hello! I'd like to report a kidnapping."

Aegis Village

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