Chapter 6

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The bushes nearby twitched and began to shake. Yang turned to face them, frowning. She wasn't surprised when the large, burly, black form of an Ursa lunged out from the foliage with a roar, its massive paw swinging straight for her head. Yang jumped backwards, avoiding the arc of the beast's swing. Skidding to a stop, she glared angrily at the Ursa as it came out into the open, followed by a second of its kind.

'I don't have time for this,' she thought irritably. 'Ruby should have been somewhere nearby.' Then a horrifying thought occurred to her.

'What if these things found Ruby?'

It was a horrifying possibility to consider. But Ruby was nowhere to be seen, and the Ursa were here. With a roar of her own, Yang launched herself at the nearest Ursa, her eyes turning a blazing red as she slammed her fist into the side of its head, her gauntlet, Ember Celica, discharging and snapping its head to the side. Yang pressed on, launching a barrage of blows to either side of the bear-like Grimm's head before unloading an uppercut into its chin and following it up with a full-power haymaker to the Ursa's stomach. The monster was launched backwards, slamming into the side of a tree with enough force to crack it in two, the tree collapsing with the sound of creaking and groaning wood.

The second Ursa almost looked taken aback by how ferociously Yang had demolished its partner. However, the instinctual aggression of its kind soon took over again and it roared loudly as it reared up to its full, intimidating height.

"Bring it!" snarled Yang, clashing her gauntlets together.

Then the Ursa's body abruptly jerked. The light faded from its eyes and it collapsed forward, a black sickle, attached to a black ribbon, sticking out of its neck, having pierced a vital with such perfect precision that the massive beast had been brought down by that single, tiny wound. Yang's eyes traced the length of that ribbon to meet the amber eyes of the girl that held it. Yang remembered her sitting apart from everyone else during the previous night, her nose buried in a book.

Yang took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. Finally, she managed a smile. "I could'a taken him," she said.

Blake Belladonna smiled wryly. This is the girl that Ruby was arguing with. She saw this girl when she went over to her to chat with her. The only thing they exchanged were names. She remembered hers was Yang.

Said girl frowned and looked around.

"You didn't happen to see anyone else around here, did you?" she asked.

"Are you looking for someone?" asked Blake.

"Black hair with red tips," explained Yang, "red tunic...thingy...wears armor and a red cape, like some kind of superhero."

"You mean Ruby?" asked Blake.

"You know her?" gasped Yang, her gaze immediately snapping back to her new partner.

"We talked a little," said Blake, doing her best to hide the blush that threatened to rise. They did more than just talk. So far, she and Ruby hugged twice in the same week. For someone who liked to hide, she really liked the attention.

She glanced around. "I haven't seen any signs of anyone around here. I don't think this is where she landed, if that's what you were looking for." She returned her attention to Yang. "Why are you looking for her, anyway?"

"She's my sister," said Yang.

"Really?" Blake raised a skeptical eyebrow. They didn't look anything alike.

"Half-sister," admitted Yang with a sigh.

"She ran away eleven years ago. We've been looking for her all that time...and now she just shows up don't know how. She's only fifteen. She shouldn't even be allowed in Beacon yet."

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