Chapter 10

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Ruby ran to Verdant Meadow, pushing her semblance to the maximum. Wanting to go faster, she tapped into her ability to get Speed Boost. Sadly, she didn't get it and got Weak Armor. Seeing this wasn't as bad, she punched herself in the stomach, hard enough for it to activate and her aura flare up. Her speed sharply increased with each hit she took. It started to hurt more each time but it was a sacrifice she had to make. Anything to save her uncle from being crushed into dust.

Verdant Meadow

Regigigas appeared.

'What the hell is this!?' Qrow panicked. This Giant was so big, yet it managed to sneak up behind him. He looked and saw the other three golems running away, clearly distressed with the Colossal Golem's arrival.

This thing was intimidating. Primarily white, it had a few black stripes located on their body and yellow plates surrounding their wrists, shoulders, and another in their upper region. Around its feet and its back, it had some kind of plant or moss growing on it. It has a very large physique with long arms, short legs and no visible neck or head.

Qrow swallowed, feeling the Giant's gaze bringing him down. His fight or flight instincts kicked in and had him on edge. What was he supposed to do against this thing.

'All right! Time for the kid-gloves to come off,' thought Qrow, holding his weapon back behind him. As he did, a flick of his wrist triggered the mechanisms within. The blade folded over, segmenting and bending into a crescent-shape, with its original edge running along the outside edge, while a second edge of blood red extended along the inside edge. The handle telescoped out, curving slightly, forming a dark-red shaft with a pair of black grips along its length.

The shotgun barrels attached to the base of the blade rotated so that they were pointing back, opposite the direction of the blade of the scythe. As Qrow swung, the guns fired, accelerating the force his swing, his blade becoming a red and grey arc as it swept for Regigigas' body. The Colossal Golem braced himself against the attack, his "eyes" widening in surprise. The Giant flinched a little bit, but remained in place.

He looked where he hit it, and his eyes nearly shot out of his head. There was nothing there. No scratch, no dent, not even a nick.

"What the hell is this thing made of!?" He exclaimed.

He charged at it again, his weapon meeting it's humongous arm with such force that a shockwave exploded out from between them, blasting away the debris at their feet. Regigigas still didn't move or show visible signs of pain.

Qrow was confused 'What is it doing? It's just standing there.' It's true, the Giant was just standing there not moving a single muscle


Regigigas lifted his arms up and created a bunch of rocks above Qrow's head and then dropped them on him. The huntsmen lifted his scythe and sliced the falling rocks

Regigigas' "eyes" glowed before it unleashed a large blast that struck Qrow before he could react. He was sent crashing through a heavy section of brush, branches tearing at his clothes and Aura before he was thrown clear, slamming, back-first, into the ground, before riding the bounce to flip back to his feet, sliding to a stop.

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