Chapter 33

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As the sky station passed the first frozen treetops, Beatrice ran to the two girls standing by the hole. She pulls both Weiss and Ruby back urgently, knocking them out of their shared stupor.

"Move back! Get away from the hole!" Beatrice shouted at them. The White Rose duo saw they were about to crash. Ruby and Weiss turn on the spot with a scream and run from the hole with Beatrice by their side. If they fell out, they'd get crushed by the impact or hit the ground hard enough that not even aura could save them.


Only a few seconds passed before the entire structure quaked from the largest explosion yet. Weiss fell to her chest as the sky structure crashed and slid along the surface of Lightning Island, propelled by layers of unnatural ice. She could barely get a grip on herself from the sheer amount of shaking and jolting.

Ruby stopped to help her up and they started running again, soon followed by Beatrice and the others. After what seemed like an eternity of quaking, the motions ceased, but a dull creaking sound replaced the booms.

Winter hurriedly ran up to Weiss, cupping her face.

"Weiss, are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere?" Winter asks Weiss with such urgency the Heiress could only answer with a nod. Weiss always knew her sister loved her, but sometimes it can be hard to tell. She's happy that her sister still cares for her, even if she doesn't express it.

The Schnee Specialist glances around at everyone else.

"Is everyone okay?!" She shouts. She should have asked them that before, but her main priority had been to make sure Weiss was okay. Her main priority will always be Weiss. No exceptions.

"I think we're okay, for the most part," Yang answers, stretching her back out until it gives a satisfying crack. "Just a little shaken up. No pun intended." Yang adds quickly.

"Good," Winter says and calms down.

"You don't know the half of it," Weiss remarks.

Before Yang can protest, a loud metallic snap jolted the structure. Yang's eyes shot up towards the hole. Another snap cracked out, and her eyes widened.

"Uh guys, I think now's a good time to scram!" She points up at the ceiling. Like, right now!" She shouted.

Nobody needed to be told twice, that was for certain. Ruby was first on her feet, then Beatrice, then Weiss, as well as the others scrambled to stand and escape the falling aircraft. Weiss had recalled both her Pokémon and broke into a sprint with the others before they'd regained themselves and began running.

Ruby was the first one to their makeshift exit, her heart racing with relief to see a large piece of metal had wedged itself between the hole and the Island below. It made the perfect ramp, and so Ruby leaped down a few feet to it. She was immediately greeted by a harsh wind, her helmet immediately extending to "stealth mode". Stealth mode also helps with keeping Ruby's body temperature from growing to hot or cold, and also to protect her face. She heard everyone else follow her actions by sliding down the ramp. Ruby cast a glance back to make sure everyone was still following and felt another beat of relief to see they were.

"Watch your step, everyone! These winds are strong and the floor is unstable!" Ruby shouts as they go across the ledge.

With each step, her foot threatened to slip on the metal surface, and she even saw a few of her group stumble once. She wished Violet was here with her, but that wouldn't help them at this moment. Her Aerodactyl could only hold three people, maybe four if she tried hard. With the rate at which they are falling, Violet wouldn't have been able to get everyone off in time.

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