Chapter 20

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It was morning in the Rosetta household, and the whole family woke up early to bid Ruby farewell on her trip back to Beacon. Today was the day she would take on Pyrrha, one of the strongest fighters who never lost a match once.

The whole family stood outside, the brisk morning air feeling great to the touch.

"Do you have to go?" Coral asked sadly.

"Yeah Coral." Ruby nodded. "I can't miss a day of school, and I have my big match against Pyrrha."

"Don't leave Big sis Ruby!" Jack grabbed hold on Ruby's leg, not wanting her to leave. "Please stay with us! We miss you."

Ruby chuckled as she knelt down and released his hold on her leg. She picked him up, bringing him up to eye-level.

"I promise once the break starts, I'll come back and stay a while." She said. "And maybe, I'll see about bring my friends over."

"Really!?" Jack's eyes lit up.

"Really really!" She planted a kiss on his cheek, causing him to pull back and cry out in disgust as he began to wipe off the kiss.

The family all laughed, and soon enough, Jack began laughing too. Coral walked up to Ruby and gave her a big hug.

"I'll miss you."

"Don't worry." Ruby began to pet her head. "I'll come back and when I do, we'll work on some archery together."

"You better." She said. "One day, I'll surpass you and be the greatest warrior ever!"

"I look forward to that."

As Coral released Ruby, the silver-eyed girl walked up to her parents and gave them both a hug.

"Bye Moms." She said.

"Stay safe Ruby." Eve said.

"Be sure to kick the 'Invinvible Girl's ass for us, okay?"

Ruby chuckled again, watching Eve jab her shoulder into Carol's side as the Shark Faunus just laughed harder.

"I'll tell you all about it." Ruby said. She released them as she walked over to Mew and took her hand.


Ruby turned to Evelyn, who pulled out the pouch she had.

"Take this." She placed it in Ruby's hands, her own over top of hers. "It belonged to your mother, when she gave it to me."

"What is it?"

"Something she had on her always when we were at Beacon." She said vaguely. "She had only four things that were important to her: the cloak," she ran her hand through the fabric of the White garment, "the object in this pouch," she released her hand as Ruby studied the pouch,"her weapon, which I assume is a family trait?" Evelyn held a finger to our chin.

"Mom was a weapons nut too!?" Ruby gasped happily.

"You kidding!?" Carol laughed. "Woman was down right intimate with the damn thing!"

The all shared a chuckle as Eve glared at Carol for cursing. After Ruby controlled herself, she asked; "What was the last one?"

Eve cupped Ruby's cheek as she replied:


Ruby smiled with a tiny of pink on her cheeks, sort of suspecting that answer. She placed the ouch in her pocket and in a flash of pink, Ruby and Mew disappeared instantly.

Beacon, Team RWBY Dorm Room.

Ruby appeared back in her dorm, but was kinda surprised to not be in her bed. In fact, she didn't see Mew floating around anywhere in the room.

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