Part 1/Chapter 8: Chrono Squad Vs. Time Breakers

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The battle began in flash, everyone had paired up with two other villains. Everyone even had their own enemy to face, and each fight was straight to the point. First was Kamikaziko and Bomba, against Broly and Kid Buu. Broly was giving Kamikaziko a beatdown, but as Kamikaziko took on Broly's hits, when Broly got close, Kamikaziko used Mighty Explosive Wave at the right time to knock him out. Even Kamikaziko was bale to regenerate his body afterwards. Kid Buu started to dash towards him, but Bomba managed to catch up wiht him and wrap around him. She began to bash his head and then kick him away. Next was Riko and Rika against Janemba and Yamcha. The two earthlings had their back against each other, keeping each other close. Janenba began to attack Riko, but then feinted his attack to bait Riko to using his sword. Rika told Riko theythey have to think carefully to take him down. So Janemba came to them again to bait them, but Rika turned around to blast Janemba at the last second to prevent him from teleporting away. Then Yamcha showed up, and the siblings just looked at him, with dissappointed. They know about Yamcha's history, and even while he was a Time Breaker, they weren't going to take him seriously. As Riko took his stance at Yamcha, Yamcha tried to attack him, but he ended up getting hit by Riko's attack, Dragon Burn. The attack ended burning Yamcha's body, causing him to knock out from being overwhelmed. After that was Pikoro and Comet, against Cooler and Freiza. Pikoro began to stretch his arms to wrap around Cooler and Frieza, and at the same time Comet was flying right next to the stretching arms while moving at such high speeeds. Frieza and Cooler started shooting beams at Comet and Pikoro's arms. But, sadly for them Pikoro was using his arms to dodge the beams, and the same thing happened with Comet. Comet was just moving to fast for the beams to hit him. Comet then grabbed one of Pikoro's arms and flew around Freiza, tying him up. He then chopped his neck to knock him out, Comet was simply just too fast for him. Cooler was about go for Pikoro to take him out, but Pikoro reeled one of his arms and wrapped it around Cooler's neck and slammed him into the ground. Pikoro tells Comet that they make a good team, and Comet thought the same thing. Lastly, was Evolution and Eva against Omega Shenron and Cell. Both Omega and Cell attacked Eva and Evolution at the same time. Eva tried to be as evasive as she could but she ended up getting grabbed and tossed away by Omega. Evo went to go help her but then Cell kicked him away. Evolution recovered just in time to catch up to Eva and caught her. She woke back up, and she was flustered after being rescued. Evolution told Eva that they need to combine their strength to take them out, Eva thought the same thing. The two saiyans both transformed, becoming Super Saiyans. They used a combined Kamehameha to take out both Cell and Omega Shenron at the same time. Once that was over, there was no one left but Mira. Mira began to revert back out of the Time Breaker form, as he couldn't sustain it long enough. Mira told Evolution that he has won this day, but he will return, weather it be him or just another version of him, he will be back to exact revenge, and take down the Time Patrol. Mira and the other Time Breakers began to fade away, never to be seen again for a long time. The Chrono Squad has made it through their first battle together, and have gained their first victory as a team. As the team arrives back at the Time Nest, Supreme Kai of Time congratulates the team on a job well done. They'll soon have more sessions together, to become stronger fighters and to become a stronger team. Eva walks next to Evolution, as he stands by himself, thinking about the future. She was wondering if he was alright, Evolution told her that he was fine, he was just thinking about how long it would take to find his father. But, he realizes now, that while he has this team by his side, time has no limits. Evolution then walks back to the group with Eva, to figure out what's next, for the Chrono Squad. END OF PART 1/TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2...

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