Part 2/Chapter 1: The Chrono Squad's Training Arc Begins!

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           It has been a month since the Chrono Squad have fought against the Time Breakers. After the fight, the team had to do some heavy research. Mira, along with Towa, have the ability to time travel just like members of the Time Patrol. That means while Mira is still out there, he can mess up time anyway he wants to, so the team has to stay vigilant. While having moments where the Chrono Squad scouts for any signs of Mira or even Towa, they have regular training sessions to get stronger. And on this day, the team will learn how to transform. Everyone was at the Time Nest, except for Evolution, who was sleeping in at the time. Evolution was resting in his home near Conton City, he wakes up to realize that he's late for a special training session. He puts on his outfit and bursts through the door, but falls onto someone who was right outside. It was Eva, she had come to get him to take him to the Time Nest, but she didn't expect him to land on top of her so suddenly. They both got up quickly, both flustered from what happened, but move past it as they make their way to the Time Nest. And finally, everyone was accounted for. All members of the Chrono Squad had changes to their outfits. At one point, they all went shopping together to look for new stuff to wear. Evolution then stood in front of everyone.

           He explained to the team that as they're getting stronger, they're able to obtain transformations to their already vast set of moves and abilities. Each member as a unique transformation that they can utilize, Saiyans can go Super Saiyan, people of the Freiza Race or Frost Demons can turn Golden, Earthlings have the power to call upon the Flying Nimbus, Namekians can become Giant, and Majins can use Purification. This was explained to the team, while Evolution and Eva demonstrated their transformations, turning Super Saiyan 1, Super Saiyan 2, and the recently obtained Super Saiyan 3. This kind of power was insane to the others. Evo and Eva's power were immense, practically limitless. This kind of power caught the eyes of a certain someone, someone like...the God of Destruction Beerus. This shocked everyone, to see a God of Destruction in the Time Nest. Beerus, along with his attendant Whis, have arrived to this time nest because they had sensed some immense power coming from the location, and they were referring to Evolution and Eva. Evo and Eva appreciate Beerus's words, but still wonder why he is even here. Beerus offers the two Saiyans an opportunity they can't pass up. Beerus wants Evolution and Eva to train under Whis, to become Super Saiyan Gods.

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