2.4// Prompose

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Luke and Melody had been going through the motions of a typical high school couple for the past three months. (a/n: do u see what i did there i left for three months so this is what u get) There was a lot of kissing, cuddling, and almost sex. But whenever that would happen Luke would back off, and tell Melody that she didn't need to feel pressured and he would wait. So obviously, that would ruin the mood and they would go on with their day.

Prom was approaching and Melody was waiting for Luke to "prompose". She didn't want anything big, just a little sweet gesture because who didn't want to get promposed to. She didn't have a boyfriend last year for prom, so she wanted to take advantage of this.

Melody was currently in a stuffy prom dress shop, literally breaking her arms trying to push through the dresses covered in plastic to find her dream dress. Autumn and Nikki were with her of course, prom dress shopping alone was no good because you needed someone to tell you if you looked good or not. Autumn and Nikki were having a free for all with the dresses, and were basically having a competition on who could pick Melody's prom dress.

Mel was finally shoved into a dressing room with about twelve dresses. It was a grueling process, and she would hate every dress she tried on. She was about to lose all hope until a red dress was passed in to her. The second Mel slipped the fabric on her body she knew that this dress was the one. She stepped out of the dressing room to show her friends, with a huge smile on her face.

"You look hot," Nikki complimented her, looking her up and down. Autumn nodded her head, agreeing with Nikki completely.

Mel walked to a full body mirror and spun around a few times, and nodded her head. It was a deep red color, and the top was short sleeved and sheer with jewels lining the collar. It wasn't anything extravagant, but Melody felt pretty in it and that's what mattered.

"This is the dress!" She squealed.

"So Melody, do you say yes to the dress?" Autumn joked. Mel and Nikki rolled their eyes at her lameness.

Melody called a saleswoman over to get the dress taken care of, and before she knew it she was $340 poorer. She kept telling herself that it was senior prom and that it was okay because this was a big event in her life, and it would all be worth it in the long run.

The three girls started to walk back to Mel's car, so Melody took this as her chance to tell Luke about her dress.

To: Luke dropyourpanties Hemmings

You better like this prom dress I just got or so help me

To: My favorite Melody

Babe why wouldn't I like it

To: My favorite Melody

I like everything you wear

To: My favorite Melody

Especially red lace

Melody rolled her eyes at her phone, Luke would not drop the incident where he had walked in on her getting changed. She was wearing matching lace set, and he was drooling for a few hours about it.

To: Luke dropyourpanties Hemmings

The dress happens to be red so plan your boy tux suit thing accordingly I guess I don't know how this works

To: My favorite Melody

Aye aye captain

Nikki started talking, so Melody quickly looked away from her phone to hear what she was saying. They had also reached Melody's car, Nikki hoped in the passenger seat as usual while Autumn sat in the back.

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