2.0// Sugar We're Going Down

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It was Saturday morning, literally eight o'clock sharp, and Luke was nonstop calling Melody to wake her up. She was ignoring his calls because this was one of the two days that she got to sleep in. By the fifth time her phone started to buzz she was ready to rip all of Luke's stupid blonde hair out.

"What do you want, Luke?" She hissed through gritted teeth, picking up her phone.

"Finally, I called you like-"

"Five times, I know," Melody cut him off.

"So when are you coming over?" Luke giggled. Melody groaned, this is what he had woken her up for.

"Are you serious?"

"Super serious," he confirmed, giggling again.

"Luke, I'm going to hang up, go back to sleep, and I'll get back to you in like five hours," Melody sighed.

"No! You're already awake, you should just come over now," he yelled through the phone, trying to make sure that she wouldn't hang up. Melody had to take her phone away from her ear in order to keep her hearing.

"Luke, do you even realize how early it is?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, don't you wanna spend the day with me?" Luke asked, he was pouting. The pouting usually worked on Melody, but Luke forgot that they were on the phone and Mel couldn't see him.

"I hate you," Mel huffed, pushing her blankets off of her body.

"You do not. I'll make it up to you later."

"I'm sure you will," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Luke laughed from the other end of the line, "So I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower and I'll be over," she told him, rolling off of her bed.

"You should just come over and take a shower with me," Luke suggested, hope lacing his words.

"Bye, Lucas," Melody laughed, and quickly hung up the phone.

Luke frowned when he heard beeping coming from his phone, signalling that Melody had hung up on him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, dangling his feet because he honestly had nothing better to do. He had cleaned his room last night, not that Melody would have cared if it was dirty or not, but it gave him something to do. It also calmed his nerves that he had developed for some weird reason.

He stayed over hers once before so this shouldn't be any different. But since they had both confessed that they liked each other, and did all that other fluffy stuff he was a bit freaked out. She was staying the night, in Luke's bed, with him, and that kind of made him really nervous. He was mostly nervous about how far things were going to go between them, which was something that had never happened to him before. He was Luke Hemmings, since when was he nervous about sex?

He tugged at his hair, which was flat against his head, because Melody had told him that she liked it that way, and jumped off his bed to talk to someone in his family. Luke walked around his house, Ben was sitting on the couch watching TV. He had been smiling non-stop since he went on his date. Luke sat down next to him, and sighed loudly to catch his attention.

"What's up with you?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Melody's staying over tonight," Luke answered, looking straight at the TV.

"Great, I'll tell everyone to get ear plugs," Ben teased.

Luke rolled his eyes, "I don't think you'll need any."

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