3.1// Strange Love

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Luke was in a particularly good mood as he got to school the next morning. He wanted to see Melody and give her a bunch of kisses, and shamelessly flirt with her, and that was it. Luke wanted to get through school without encountering someone having a crisis, but this seemed highly unlikely because Ali was pregnant, and Calum was going to be a dad. His good mood was fleeting, in the same second he got to his locker Ali grabbed him by the arm, and dragged him to an empty classroom.

"What the fuck?" Luke asked, disgust clear in his voice. He moved as far away from Ali as he could. He watched as she paced back and forth a bit before stopping and looking straight at him.

"Calum isn't the dad," she finally admitted. Ali had no one else to tell this to, and it was killing her. It was kind of nice to finally get that off her chest.

Luke knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, "So who is? Why don't you tell Calum he's not the dad. Ali, have you seen him? He's an absolute wreck."

Ali shook her head, and her already unkept hair seemed to get even more messy. "If I tell Calum he's not the dad then he won't help me with this kid. I can't do this by myself, Luke."

"You can't just tell him he's the dad when you know he's not! Just because you fucked up doesn't mean Calum should have to go down with you," Luke raised his voice. He wouldn't let Ali do this to Calum, he was too much of a good guy for something like this to happen to him. It would have been a completely different story if he actually was the baby's dad.

Ali pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'm not raising this kid alone, I can't."

"So tell the actual father, I don't get what the problem is?" Luke sighed, if she knew who the baby's father was then he should be told he was having a kid.

"I can't, I don't want him to know," Ali whined, looking down to pick at the chipped nail polish on her fingers.

"You can't just hide someone's child from them," Luke scoffed, "Who is the real dad?"

Ali looked down, this was something she didn't want ever coming out. It was supposed to be a secret, and it was supposed to mean nothing. She always made sure she had safe sex, she couldn't believe this happened to her.

"You're going to think I'm lying," she mumbled. She was afraid that if she did tell Luke who the real father was, he wasn't going to believe her.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Just tell me, Ali."

She took in a deep breath before quickly answering, "It's Michael's."

Luke's mouth involuntarily opened. He didn't think he heard her correctly. Michael Clifford could not be the father of this baby. There was no way. Michael never even hung out with Ali, except for the time that her and Luke were dating, and Ali just tagged along with Luke everywhere he went. Then again she did always drag Michael around with her when Luke wasn't there.

"See, I knew you wouldn't believe me," Ali groaned. This is why she wanted to keep this to herself, because who would believe her. Michael would probably deny the whole thing, and she would hurt Calum in the process. The last thing she wanted to do was hut Calum, although she had already been going behind his back to see Michael.

Luke opened his mouth, but no words came out. He had to compose himself before speaking, "How did that happen?"

"I had been hooking up with him for a while. Even when I was with you," Ali confessed, with a shrug of her shoulders.

Luke gave her a look of disbelief, "You were cheating on me?" It was almost comical. Ali had been the one who wanted them to be official, and yet she was cheating on him. Michael was also supposed to be Luke's best friend, and he was hooking up with his girlfriend behind his back. That stung a bit, he'd talk to Michael about it later. Michael hated confrontations, so it would be undeniably awkward, but what he did made him kind of an asshole.

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