Project Ugly// Luke Hemmings au

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"Okay," she said sitting down at her kitchen table with her two best friends. She had a smirk on her face and a devious look in her hazel eyes, and her friends knew they were in for something interesting.

"So what's going on?" Autumn questioned, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Nikki leaned forward on her elbows and waited for an answer.

"So, I'm thinking of doing this project," she said pausing and cracking a smile, "It's going to be through the school year, up until prom."

Her friends were confused and they looked at each other waiting for a further explanation.

"I'm going to wear sweats, sweat shirts, t-shirts, no makeup, natural hair, and everything like that," she explained and sat back in her chair, waiting for her friend's opinions.

"Are you insane?" Nikki asked, Autumn agreed shaking her head up and down.

"No, I just want to see what happens," she said rolling her eyes.

"Melody, how are you going to make it until prom? That's in like, June!" Autumn scoffed.

Melody just wanted to know what it was like not looking fancy and dressed up all the time. She wanted to know if people would look at her differently. Not like a lot of people looked at her now anyway, but she just wanted to try this out. Plus she was kind of sick of trying to always look perfect.

"I'll do it, just watch," Melody smirked.

Her two friends looked at her with disbelief, but they knew if anyone was going to pull this off it was Melody.

"Project Ugly, starts now," Melody giggled. Autumn and Nikki laughed along, because of the stupid name Mel had given her project.

"You're going to absolutely hate this you know," Nikki said knowingly.

"It won't be that bad," Mel said, more to convince herself than her friends. No one would really treat her differently, would they?

Project Ugly// l.h auWhere stories live. Discover now