1.1// Complications

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Melody didn't know her mum was coming home from work early. So obviously the way her and Luke were on the couch right now was not looking so good.

"Melody Anne Healey!" She screeched, stomping over to the couch. Luke was thinking about Mel's middle name so he had yet to move, so Melody pushed him off of her forcefully, and sat up quickly. 

"Mum?" She squeaked. Her mother was standing in front of the couch now, looking between Melody and Luke. She seemed relieved when she noticed their clothes were still on. But she was still skeptical.

"What were you two just doing?" She asked. Melody looked to Luke to explain, because she would mess it up and her mum liked Luke. All he had to do was turn on the charm, and they would be set. Luke wasn't getting the hint so Melody kicked her foot against Luke's leg.

"Uh, I was tickling her?" Luke mumbled. "She kind of freaked out," his eyes were darting all around the room. This was the most nervous Melody had seen Luke.

"Mum, you know how ticklish I am," Melody continued for Luke. He sighed in relief when she did. Melody's mum nodded, and sat down on the couch beside the one Luke and Melody were on.

"I just heard screaming, and then... I just jumped to a conclusion. I apologize," she spoke.

"Just friends, mum," Melody groaned.

Luke nodded, but he felt weird about agreeing with her. Luke was getting frustrated with himself, because of these weird feelings. He was just friends with Melody, and he really needed to get that straight. He needed to stop focusing on how cute he thought she was, but to do that he'd probably have to stop looking at her all together.

Melody's face was still flushed from the situation that had just happened. Her mum thought they were doing the deed, on the couch. Melody inwardly laughed at the thought, Luke would never think of doing anything like that with her. Luke had better girls to do that with, and Melody found herself feeling slightly annoyed at the thought.

She looked over at Luke, who looked lost in his own thoughts. Melody was about to look away when Luke caught her gaze. He smirked, and stuck out his tongue. He probably would have made a comment about her staring if her mum wasn't in the room with them. Melody rolled her eyes at him and looked away.

"We're gonna go to my room," Melody announced standing up from the couch. Melody's mum raised an eyebrow at her, and Melody sighed, "I'll leave the door open." Her mum nodded, and went back to watching the television which was still playing Harry Potter.

Luke stood up, and followed Melody to her room. She face planted onto her bed and groaned. Luke really tried not to look at the way her shorts rode up but he couldn't help it. He ran his hands over his face, this really needed to stop. He sat on the bed next to her, and she rolled over.

"So did you enjoy what you saw earlier?" Luke teased.

"Shut up, Lucas," she said, slapping his arm. They both laughed, Luke would have said something about her spanking kink but he was too busy admiring her smile. Melody was also just noticing how cute his dimples actually were. Their laughter faded, and now they were looking at each other waiting for someone to say something.

"What are we doing, Mel?" Luke finally asked. The question had a double meaning to it, and Luke wished that Melody would somehow telepathically realize what he meant by it.

"Looks like we're just staring at each other, Lucas," she giggled, Luke cracked a smile. "What else could we be doing?" She asked timidly. She wanted to see how Luke would answer this. She watched as he bit his lip, and looked up to the ceiling as if the answer was up there. He finally looked back at Melody, and opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang instead. Melody sighed, as he picked up the phone.

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