3.2// She's My Winona

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Surprise bitch I'd bet you thought you'd seen the last of me! Hi!!!!! I got another tattoo lol (i actually got this in november, but i'm just getting around to writing now so.) Anyway it's a hydrangea, and it happens to be my mom and nonna's favorite flower, so I got it bc it reminds me of them. I love it, but it hurt like a mf near my neck and where it's the furthest down my shoulder. Also this was not planned my friend was like "amanda u wanna go get a tattoo, i'm driving to the tattoo parlor rn" i was like lol ok!!! So theres my quick lil story. I'll have a big apology on not writing for two months in my authors note down the bottom so stay tuned.

Luke and Melody had made it to Melody's bedroom in one piece. But not without knocking into many things, like the picture frames on the walls, along the way. Things had started out fast and needy, but soon turned to be slow and soft. Luke had been adamant about not hurting Melody, and he didn't. It was a little uncomfortable because it was her first time, but it was nothing as awful as everyone made it sound. 

Luke had peppered her face with kisses, and if he hadn't been doing that he would be whispering into her neck about how good she was. Her hands had raked up and down his back, surely leaving angry red stripes, and Luke loved it. The blush on her cheeks, the way her lips were parted, and the halo of dark brown hair on the pillow around her was breathtaking. She was beautiful, and he was the luckiest man on Earth to have her in this way. Soft words of encouragement left her lips, but that was nothing compared to the sound of his name being moaned when she had reached her high, and that's where Luke had lost it. 

In the moments after, Melody had giggled when she looked at the boy she was now cuddled against. Luke had thrown her a questioning glance and she shrugged in response.

"Your hair is so messed up," she smiled, a genuine one that reached her eyes.

Luke smirked at this, "That's all on you, babe."

Melody only giggled again, and studied her boyfriend. His long, and lean torso had a thin layer of sweat on it, making it shine and accentuate the faint outline of his abs. His neck had a new covering of hickeys on it, and the little smile on his lips seemed like it would never go away.

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer," Luke snorted, obviously catching Melody nearly drooling.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Your ego wouldn't show through the picture, it wouldn't be the same."

"And I was like, why you so obsessed with me?" Luke sang while laughing.

Melody scrunched up her nose in fake disgust, "I can not believe you are my boyfriend."

Luke pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek, "But you love it," he grinned.

As much as Melody would have liked to stay pressed up against Luke in her bed, she knew that her mom would be home and she really needed to pee. With a pout she rolled herself out of her bed, but not without earning a slap on the ass from Luke first. She jumped slightly, and playfully glared at him while she was putting on her clothes that had been scattered across the room. Luke decided it would be a good idea to get dressed as well, and before Mel had left to use to bathroom he pulled her in for a quick kiss.

After Luke had composed himself, and his hair, he sat back on Melody's bed and impatiently waited for her return. She padded into the room minutes later, and smiled at the boy in her bed.

"I love you," she sighed, getting into bed next to him.

Luke brought her closer to him, and rested his chin on the top of her head, "And I love you."

A few episodes of Orange is the New Black, and Melody complaining that she was bored lead the couple into the kitchen, where Luke was watching Melody dancing around with a tub of ice cream while listening to Fall Out Boy. She was mostly using the spoon as a microphone, and only took a couple spoonfuls of the ice cream. She was sliding around the kitchen, and spinning, and almost falling flat on her face.

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