1.8// Don't Wanna Be Your Friend I Wanna Kiss Your Neck

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Melody stared at Ashton incredulously. This had to be some type of joke, right? Time to roll out the punk'd crew with Ashton Kutcher. After minutes of getting her thoughts together she looked to Ashton again.

"You're serious?" She asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"So how does he not realize it's me?" Melody squeaked.

"He's an idiot? I don't know," Ashton sighed. He had known that Melody was the girl from the party from the second he saw her with Luke. He almost thought that Luke had finally grown a pair and talked to her because of the major crush he had on her last year, but that apparently was not the case.

"What do we do?" Mel questioned. She had no idea how Luke would even take this. She wanted to keep her and Ashton kissing a secret, but now this added another layer to the problem.

"We don't tell him for now," Ashton spoke, "let me figure it out first, okay?"

Melody nodded, "I'm gonna go back in there, so it's not suspicious or something."

"Right, I'll be at my locker. Later," he waved and walked the opposite way that Melody was headed.

Melody was not the best at keeping secrets, and acting nonchalant about things so she didn't know how long she could keep this charade up for. She wished Ashton had never told her, now things were so much more complex.

Melody sat in her seat next to Luke, and he put his hand on her thigh this time. She felt her cheeks heat up, and she put her hand on top of his to insure that it would stay right in its place. She ran her thumb across his rough knuckles that seemed to always be a light pink color. When she looked over at him, he was looking down at their hands with a tiny smile playing on his lips.

Melody felt actual pain in her chest, she never wanted to hurt this boy. Underneath his cocky asshole exterior, he was a huge softy that loved cuddling and neck kisses. He was fiercely competitive with Ashton, and now she knew the reason why. She also now knew the reason that he was so wary of Ashton and her being together. Ashton had kind of stolen the girl Luke liked, and he just didn't want it to happen again.

"You're quiet again, what are you thinking about?" Luke asked, locking the fingers of their hands together.

"Nothing, do you have work today?" She asked, changing the subject quickly.

"Nope," he answered, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Can we hang out?" Mel asked, shyly. She was never one for making plans, she waited for her friends to ask her to do something.

"Yeah, can we go to mine though? My mum's been complaining that I'm not around enough," Luke snorted.

"Yeah, okay," she smiled.

"We're left out of the plans again!" Nikki groaned loudly, which caused the everyone at the table to laugh.

"Might be a good thing," Michael shrugged.

Luke laughed and dipped his head so his lips were on Mel's neck. Her eyes went wide and she looked around the table at her friend's who looked just as shocked as she was. Luke pressed a chaste kiss to the crook of her neck and looked back at Michael.

"Would that make you too uncomfortable?" He grinned.

"Don't make me gag, Lucas," Michael scoffed.

Melody rolled her eyes at both of the boys. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Everyone in the cafeteria always made a mad dash to exit, but Mel and her friends stayed behind for a bit. What was the point of trying to fight your way through a sea of people?

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