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Melody and Luke would have liked to have thought that they were going to be high school sweet hearts. Everyone that has a relationship in high school believes the same thing, why date if it's not going to be long term. They were infatuated with each other, they truly did love each other, but life is hard and things get rough.

Melody went to college, it was close to home and she visited often. She loved it, she made friends but also knew her lifelong friends were always going to be at home. Luke visited her often, mostly on the weekends since she had a lot of work to do. For a while everything was fine, they went along like nothing had changed and their bond was as strong as ever. But sometimes things fade, and the routine gets boring and it's no one's fault but there needs to be a change.

After Melody's first semester at school, and spending time together over the winter break they knew things were different. The both of them had been too scared to tell each other how they were feeling, since they still cared deeply for each other and didn't want to cause the other pain. When Melody said they needed to talk, Luke knew how the conversation was going to go, and it was okay. They were each other's first love, but they needed time apart. Melody needed to have the full college experience, yes that includes hooking up with boys at parties because she can, and Luke didn't want to take that away from her even though the thought still stung a little. Melody also didn't want to hold Luke back from going to an Arts and Music school that was miles away, because she knew how incredible he was at playing guitar and singing. They decided that it would be best to part ways, and there were no hard feelings. They would always be each other's first love and they would always be special to each other.

After a few months, Melody found a boyfriend, his name was Christian. They met at a frat party, Christian wasn't part of the frat he usually just went to see the frat boys make a fool out of themselves, he thought it was funny and so did Mel. She thought she really liked him. He was sweet, smart, funny and driven. He wanted to be a lawyer like Melody, and she thought that it was pretty cool that they both had the same goals.

Luke had heard that Melody had found a new boyfriend, and he was happy for her honestly. He was so glad that she had found someone to make her smile and laugh, and be there for her when she needed someone she knew she could confide in. Luke hadn't found that person yet, he had talked to a few girls but none of them could compare to Melody, and he knew he shouldn't compare but he couldn't help it.

A few months turned to a few years, and Melody and Christian were still dating. Melody couldn't shake the feeling in the bottom of her stomach that something wasn't right, though. She kept quiet, and just told herself that it was because she couldn't believe that her relationship was real. They had gone two and a half years without a serious fight, which Melody thought was strange, but she just deemed herself lucky. Who would want to fight with their partner. She would never admit it out loud, but she was nervous that things were going to get too serious too soon. Her friends would call her crazy if she voiced her concern, why wouldn't she want to get engaged to the man she was dating as soon as she could.

She hadn't been in touch with Luke for about a year, and from time to time she wondered how he was doing and she missed him more than she wanted to admit. As the months went by with Christian, she found herself wondering more and more about Luke. Where he was, how he was doing, if he had settled down with someone. She decided to take a trip back home, she told Christian that Autumn and Nikki had requested a girl's weekend since she had been at school with him so much, but it wasn't the truth. She hoped she would run into a particular blonde haired and blue eyed boy.

Her nerves were shot, she knew it was crazy to think that she would just run into him somewhere. He was probably away at college, and she was just being impulsive. Even so, she walked the supermarket, grabbing random things she didn't need. She walked home, and even took the long way, but still didn't see him. She went to the ice cream parlor they went to after he had asked her to be his girlfriend, she didn't expect to see him here but it was nice to visit. The last place she tried was the pizza shop he used to work at, he definitely didn't work there anymore but it was the last place she could think of without going to his house, which she definitely was not going to do. She smiled when she opened the door, because this is where it had all started. Their first kiss on the floor covered in flour and pizza sauce had started everything between them.

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