2.8// Deadly Conversation

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Luke reluctantly left Melody's house, because he knew he had to talk to Ashton. He wanted to get it over with sooner rather than later, so he was strolling down the streets to get to his friend's house. Luke was walking at a slow pace, he was in no hurry to have this conversation with Ashton. It could go one of two ways: Luke would punch Ashton and that would be the end of it, or Luke would punch Ashton and Ashton would beat Luke to a pulp. There was no doubt in Luke's mind that if Ashton wanted to fight back he would completely destroy Luke, his muscles were at least the size of Luke's head. 

Luke took a turn down the familiar street, and soon he was in front of Ashton's house. He rang the doorbell and waited for a member of the Irwin family to answer. Luke was glad when it was Harry that answered the door, because if Ashton's mum had answered he wouldn't have known what to do.

Instead Luke asked Harry to tell Ashton to come outside. Harry nodded at Luke, and disappeared into the house yelling for Ash. The curly haired boy appeared outside minutes later, with a confused look on his face. He was obviously not expecting Luke to be here.

Ashton went to open his mouth but Luke abruptly cut him off, "Listen, I'm pissed off at you. You knew this whole time, and you might not have directly lied, but you kept something really important from me. You could have told me before things got serious, and you didn't. As my friend you could have told me, and this could have gone a completely different way."

Ashton ran a hand through his hair, "I was trying to find a way to tell you that wouldn't get you mad at her."

"That wasn't your call to make," Luke sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I get that now, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I did this to make fun of you," Ashton apologized, he was awkwardly scratching at the skin on his arms. Luke knew he did this when he was uncomfortable. 

Luke shrugged, "I thought that's what happened at first. I thought you and her had this huge joke planned out to make me really like her, and then have it backfire." This was the first thought that crossed Luke's mind when he had seen Melody at prom, so instead of letting anyone explain he decided to go into self defense mode.

Ashton vigorously shook his head, "I would never do that to you, you're one of my best friends, Luke."

Luke shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sure Ashton was apologizing and all but he still wanted to punch him in the face. He just didn't know how to go about the whole thing, because he had never really punched anyone in the face before. The only thing he had punched in his lifetime was his wall when his brothers would piss him off. 

"I think you should talk to Melody," Ashton said, after a few moments of awkward silence.

Luke narrowed his eyes, this irritated him. He was in no position to be giving Luke advice about his girlfriend, "I already spoke to her," Luke snapped.

Ashton scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion, "You did?"

Luke rolled his eyes, "Yes, we're fine," he cleared his throat, "so you knew who she was the whole time?" 

Ashton bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, "Yeah, from the minute we went to her house."

"You could have told me then," Luke muttered, in annoyance. Ashton had plenty of opportunities to tell Luke, but he never did, and for that Luke was angry.

"I wanted to see if she would say something about it first," Ashton explained, but Luke shook his head.

"Let me rephrase, you should have told me then."

Ashton groaned in annoyance, "Listen it's done with now, I don't know what you want me to do. I already apologized. I can't go back and change time, Luke."

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