1.6// Temporary Bliss

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Melody stared at her phone in confusion, and Luke was muttering swears under his breath. He felt like it was a sign that it wasn't meant to be.

"Who is it?" He groaned, getting up from the floor and dusting himself off.

Melody got up as well, "Uh, Ashton?"

Of course it had to be Ashton. Luke fought the urge to call him and cuss him out for interrupting the perfect opportunity to kiss Melody, but he didn't. That could at least wait until later. There was still unfinished business between him and Mel.

"What did he want?" Luke asked, slowly inching closer to Melody.

"Said we needed to talk," she mumbled. She was still looking down at her phone.

"It can wait until later right?" He questioned.

Melody looked up from her phone screen to see Luke standing directly in front of her. She was still flustered about the events that had just taken place on the floor, but Luke seemed calm about the situation. He always seemed so calm about these things.

"Yeah," she nodded, as Luke moved even closer to her. She chewed on her bottom lip, a nervous habit that she'd had for a while, and watched as Luke's eyes zeroed in on her mouth.

"Stop doing that," he huffed. He wanted to be the one gently tugging at her lip.

"Doing what?"

Luke reached a hand up to her face and cupped her jaw. He ran the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip, she couldn't ignore the tingles of electricity that followed his touch. "Stop biting your lip," he told her.

"Why?" She quipped, his thumb was still lingering at the corner of her mouth.

"It's driving me crazy, Mel," he whined, leaning in closer to her face. 

"Sorry," she spoke. He was so close and her thoughts were so jumbled, she couldn't even breathe properly.

"Mel," Luke whispered, his lips barely brushing hers.

"Stop stalling."

Luke pressed his lips to hers, and there was absolutely no freaking out. Well on the outside at least. Melody couldn't believe this was actually happening, and Luke was mentally thanking himself for following through with this. Luke didn't move his lips, and Melody got quite fed up with it so she took charge. Luke was waiting for that exact moment to confirm to himself that this was really happening, and moved his lips against hers.

He had one hand on her hip, rubbing soft circles into it, and the other still cupping her jaw. Melody's hands had made their way to the back of Luke's neck and she was curling the little strands of hair through her fingers. It was slow and intimate, and they both were very much so enjoying it.

Melody wasn't worried about Luke's lip ring getting caught on her lip, because the contrast of his warm lips and the cool metal was enough to have her brain completely shut down. All she knew was it felt good, and it felt right. Another thing she knew for sure was that Luke Hemmings was a great kisser.

Luke had thought about how it would feel to finally kiss Mel, and he was really off. It was much better than he had expected. Her lips were so soft, and so plump. He was finding it hard not to deepen the kiss, but he didn't want to scare her off so he kept it at the pace they were at now. He wanted to let her have control, this one time.

Melody started to pull away, and Luke caught her bottom lip between his teeth and gently tugged. Mel let out a small whimper, she was really testing Luke's self control. He studied her face, her cheeks were slightly red and her lips were a bit swollen from kissing and a deep pink color. Luke couldn't help but flash her a cheesy smile.

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